Who would have ever thought that this kind of crap would ever take - TopicsExpress


Who would have ever thought that this kind of crap would ever take place on the surface of the United States of America. This isnt suppose to be a third world country of a Communist dictatorship. But, whats happening at our southern border with Mexico sure makes it look as if we have become one or the other, most likely the latter. This actions should lead to imprisonment of ever who is responsible for this action. The only problem with that is that its very probable that the individual responsible is in the Oval Office. The article is quite long, so here are some quotes: 1) Medical staff dealing with the current invasion of illegal immigrant children at the camp at Lackland have been told to keep their mouth shut or face arrest. Buried in that story was the fact that a nurse and counselor reported their superiors tried to cover up the extent of the illnesses. 2) Baptist Family and Childrens Services (BFCS) spokesperson Krista Piferrer stated that clinicians are being supervised by a federal field specialist from HHSs Office of Refugee Resettlement. There was no mention of the qualifications of this field specialist who is overseeing nurses, doctors and mental health counselors alike. 3) So, there are two issues being reported here: 1) the fact that charge nurses are encouraging nurses to omit reporting certain illnesses, in particular scabies and lice, that are highly contagious; 2) in order to work in these makeshift illegal immigrant camps, health care professionals are being stripped of their God-given individual rights by what they term the Brown Shirts and threatened with retaliation and punishment if they imparted any information regarding the makeshift camp. 4) A mental health counselor, also speaking on anonymity, claimed many children had presented with emotional and mental health issues with some children being suicidal. According to the counselor, camp officials refused to hospitalize the suicidal children and claimed one child was close to psychosis. Camp officials authorized these disturbed children to be sent to a family in the United States. 5) The counselor kept a journal of what was happening at the Lackland camp. Not surprisingly, federal agents called and requested the journal be handed over – the counselor refused. Both the nurse and counselor quit and did not return to Lackland. Good for them! 6) Not being a doctor, I cannot speak to the conduct regarding their oath or practice in protecting the general population from pandemic illness. However, sound morals, values, and principles would dictate that medical doctors should disclose contagious illnesses that threaten the population despite being strong armed into silence. 7) Piferrer stated the Brown Shirts are incident management team personnel who happen to wear tan shirts. However, those working at the camp termed them security forces that called themselves the Brown Shirts. The anonymous whistleblowers stated these thugs confiscated their cellphones and other communication devices and fired those who were caught with communication devices. 8) Unlike the whistleblowers cited by Fox, there are still nurses, doctors and other professionals working in these camps towing the company line. Why? Yes, jobs are scarce. But what price is being paid to keep a job? Can those working in these facilities look themselves in the mirror daily knowing they could be unleashing serious contagious illnesses that could lead to a pandemic in the United States? Evidently so or they would walk off the job. 9) Those operating under BFCS as the Brown Shirts are also complicit in exposing Americans to potential pandemics. One has to wonder how these thugs sleep at night. They must not have wives, children, or other family to worry about; or, if they do, they have been so severely brainwashed they believe that what they are doing is right. This group of Nazi crazed goons must be devoid of conscience, values, principles, morals and feeling – products of liberal progressivism and totalitarian Marxist thinking. But, this is what works for government as government has a tendency to weed out those who have values, principles, morals, feelings and a conscience. Now wonder Obama has ignored Texas Governor Perrys invitation to visit the border while he is in Texas for a fund raiser next weed, Obama already knows the fiasco that exists there due to his likely and totally planned mishandling of the immigration mess. He wants those kids here to bring their devastation here to pay back the majority European descendant residents of this country for their past egregious wealth (his description) that he feels was earned on the backs of worlds minorities. Its payback time in his way of thinking and hes making it happen on purpose; his words are what has encouraged the parents of those young people to send them here to flood the border. This is enough to make you downright sick. There is little doubt remaining that this administration does not have the this country or its people in their best interest. Can you say Heil Hitler, or more accurately, Heil Obama? This country will likely not stand as a beacon of greatness for two and a half more years of this. This country has never seen anything like what has been occurring in the past few years in its 237 year history. Nurses at Illegal Housing Facility Threatened by Superiors and Brown Shirts in Cover up of Extent of Illnesses freedomoutpost/2014/07/nurses-illegal-housing-facility-threatened-superiors-brown-shirts-cover-extent-illnesses/ Immigration Piper
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 23:34:31 +0000

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