Who would you forgive? A friend of mine made a big mistake the - TopicsExpress


Who would you forgive? A friend of mine made a big mistake the other night. In a state of drunkenness, they did something that was completely wrong. They immediately knew it was wrong and others who witnessed it also knew it was wrong. Oh, they had good intentions and they truly meant well. There was a lot of history that led to what they did, but without a doubt, They were wrong. They admitted it right away. They let me know the very next morning and asked the offending party to forgive them and even made a public apology. Would you forgive that person ? Another person has made a mistake. They protected someone from the consequences of their actions. They have defended this person in the face of multiple accusations and evidence and they have suffered the consequences of their actions. They were wrong. But they have not admitted it. They keep defending the guilty and blaming the accusers. The accusers were all part of a family, they were hurt by the action of the one accused, and hurt more by the one who has defended them. Would you forgive the one who has defended the acused? In our humanity we can see our way to forgive neither. They were wrong and we will not let them off of the hook. We are going to make them suffer and let them know that we are not happy with them. We are going to drink poison ourselves and hope they die. And before you answer, think about this, you already have become bitter. You speak with bitterness about the person. You withhold any kindness and love towards them. Your thoughts, your words, and your actions have not been loving or kind. Or maybe you are a forgiving person. And you can see your way clear to forgive the one who has asked for forgiveness. But can you forgive the one who has not asked you? Can you forgive the unforgivable? God has. When you accept Christ, God forgives the unforgivable. Ephesians 4:31-32 ESV Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. I pray that God will give you the forgiveness that you seek. He will when you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Every time. I pray that those who call Jesus their brother will seek to forgive those who ask for it, and those who dont. For our forgiveness to others is not merit based but grace based. And our love should never be conditional. Gods isnt. Lord, we pray for Your divine intervention in our lives. In Jesus Name.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 11:47:08 +0000

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