Who you tag along with determines your price tag, and your price - TopicsExpress


Who you tag along with determines your price tag, and your price tag determine your worth and honour. Begin to tag on with men of honour so that your honour will appreciate. Better to have one good friend than lost in the crowd of unfriendly friends. When it comes to who becomes your friend, choose wisely and do not be in a hurry. A friend hurriedly chosen can make you live a life full of miserable and regrettable mistakes. Friends are gifts, they can make you, they can also destroy what you have made. Be wise when it comes to the choice of friends, seek God for good relationship, there are still people in the likeness of Jonathan, the man who sacrificed his life for his friend David to become a saving king to Israel. This is the kind of friends God brings to His children, selfless people, those who will defend you and not destroy you by envy and jealousy to replace and take your position. May God give you wisdom and eagle eyes to discover good and bad friends from the crowd in your company. The lesson to learn is this, do not chose your friends based on status and material things. Good relationship do not last when materialism becomes the drive. Allow God bring your part cross the parts of godly people who love and fears Him. Put Jehovah first in all you do and He will direct your parts. Most association crash and become dangerous because we misunderstood this saying birds of the same feather flocks together. Which brings people of same status want to mingle with their kind irrespective of character and attitude. But I can truly tell you that I have seen dogs relating very well and more friendly with cats in the same house. It is all about attitude and not status, you can find positivity, peace and happiness in some friends below or above your status as long as attitude is the drive. I have discovered that majority of people are interested in quantity and not quality, they love to count numbers and not process, they want to make quantity of friends and not quality, forgetting the glory and prize embedded on quality. There is no victory in I have many friends, but there are all good to it in I have good friends. Pursuing quantity will only lead you to ending up with anything with no care for future representation. Which is the reason those who cared for quantity of money end up stealing and loathing everything within their reach, but those whose interest is on quality remained careful and responsible when it comes to material things, knowing that good name can bring quantity of everything as addition (Mandela). Brethren, remove your eyes from quantity, quality is very important to begin with, never despise it. When your pursuit is all about quantity, you will soil your name and begin to cut corners. Make your friendship and other relationships anchor on quality and not just money. Most money bags of the world are not quality oriented. It is easy to get hooked up to quantity because its policy is anything goes. But all you need to finding quality relationship is God. I speak of friendship because I have counselled many people who all their troubles is as a result of the company they kept, retained and continued with plus the fake lifestyle they are living just to meet up the pressure attached to unreasonable friends. If you can get your company right, you can get 90% of your life right. Good company motivates good life, and bad company destroys life easily. The crowd you keep and listens to will determine your climb and your future pursuit. When you keep good company, it begins the positive positioning of your life. Our lives is designed to be attracted and motivated to what it sees, hears and speaks which determines where you will end. It is said, show me your friends and I can predict your future. Money is good, yes, but it do not give solution to all things, stop the quantification of everything based on money or accord respect to people based on how heavy their pockets are. This is the reason lovers of money miss it because they are easily deceived with money as they remains the same all year, they respect money bags more than they respect people of quality and individual efforts. I have lived in Britain for a while, not that there are no mess here, but I have carefully studied the Brits and discovered that the good spirit that drive their nation and its economy is their respect to quality, hard work and individual efforts which is the reason they retain their greatness, dignity in labour and respect to humanity as Everyones duty and impute are equally respected and recognised by the government and the people. Everybody are also equally appreciated, the front seaters are not put better than the back seaters because all duties are equally classified and valued. I know you are all wise men and women of God, but I appeal we become wiser, as the devil keep developing strategies to strike. We should build more wisdom to resisting and defeating him. Know when people are coming into your lives to dismantle your security and erase your savings, also know when they are coming to use you. Never give any room to fakes or users, there are much to do with life if you can focus to locating them. Those who could not stand with you in pains cannot also understand the feeling of your joy and happiness when the victory comes, and are not qualified to be your friends. When the poor keep associating with the rich who do not love or care for them, they will remain in poverty and bondage of continued maintenance of unreal relationship with the little God has given to them. But when the poor get involved with a godly and loving rich, it become like prince Jonathan and shepherd David with so much love, respect and great commitment to each other irrespective of their background and status. Friendship is not all about the company you hang out with to eat and drink, it is about those you can comfortably share your pains and secrets with, those whose sincere support and encouragement qualified them to enjoying the dividends of your victorious success. I have many men but few out of them are my true friends, those who has remained my greatest inspiration and confident of whom I can easily share my feelings with even when things seems tough, their prayers, encouragement and involvement keep me stronger. I dedicate this piece to them, they are Gods sent and I know their reward and blessing will forever remain great because our God still sees from a distance.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:48:27 +0000

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