Whoa, this mornings dream... im walking along in nature when i - TopicsExpress


Whoa, this mornings dream... im walking along in nature when i spot a kangaroo, which is a bit unusual. then i look further to my right and someone sitting at a desk (in the outdoors) tells me im now in little australia, so i keep walking and see more unusual animals. then i see a guy in a touristy safari hat and beige uniform hunched over in a small cage and then i look left and i see a large komodo dragon (big ass 6ft lizard) looking my way. im holding a sculpture made of painted metal strips that looks much like a very large tumble week that cameron diaz was discussing with me a earlier on a plane. at this point i decide my best defense against the komodo is the sculpture im holding and i since i want to get this on video, i quickly mount my gopro camera on the front of the sculpture and hold it out in front of me. at this point, touristy safari guy comes out of his cage and tells me i better get into one of the other cages quickly or else the komodo is going to attack me. i think im pretty animal savvy so i stand my ground. the komodo runs at me very fast and i thrust the sculpture between us but he quickly flanks me and bites me on the calf. im sure i got good footage of the whole event but then i woke up. the end.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 14:48:17 +0000

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