Whom do you trust politically, say as much as I sometimes yield to - TopicsExpress


Whom do you trust politically, say as much as I sometimes yield to Krugman for trustworthiness and knowledge? Circuses and bread I understand, but is there anyone who could win a George Orwell Award...I know many who could not, who will not. A few like Sen exist or existed near by: Said. After a short while one is finished, it is like trying to name l0 great cellists who could play for Feurmann... No left wing press, no Cockburn, every 3 hundred pages a paragraph by the opaque Z. Even our populizers are gone.This isn;t just decrying public intellectuals gone, it is suggesting some overwhelming betide. Christine will do for lour Falacci, but no one b egins to pick up major roils. Of the youngest generatiuon,m I like the perspectives of Pinckney. As for art and theory, there is Brooklyn Rail alone sometimes--heroic work of :Phong Bui. In these catastrophes, perhaps there is no need for meditation, mediation--just television and Piers Morgan as intelligence--a joke. Before consoling me, think before you name X,Y, and Z. If Krugman seems subtle and just, imagine the plight we are in...No American poets or novelists compare got Havel in moral strength and at the right time. And I count myself deeply out. The best thing I;ve done is to have worked with Hejduk, a visionary architect who could vibrate on every string. Djs--= At least the NYSchool was parodistic, figurative, on the side of Rimbaud and laughter, despiter all the weaknesses of whimsy. O:Hara was absolutely for hedonism, variety, and material life, and he died wildl;y soon with more than 25 perfect poems, blasts of freshness.We were lucky and had our own Lorca. Now misinterpreted in a hundred ways. (Just go through the Odes to see how great he was.in a dark time.) Allen G has becoime a series of bad movies. Kaddish is still a heartbreaking great poem. But we have a poet as good as Montalke, Eliot or anbyone: Ashbery of The Skaters. Luxcky us to have hads Scxhuyler in Nature ansd the amazing comic poetm KK, finally given some space. Our most mature poets are treated like whiz kids, and gther whiz kids are hionored as great writers (Roth, Salinger, etc.) ---
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 22:23:09 +0000

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