Whom have I in heaven [but You]? And [there is] none upon earth - TopicsExpress


Whom have I in heaven [but You]? And [there is] none upon earth [that] I desire besides You. Psalms 73:25 Is God the one we desire over all? There should be no one that holds a candle next to Him, for he is on High. I am not say we should not love our friends, neighbors, family, wives and husbands. What I am saying is that we should be loving God more than them. My Daughter Alyssa always says I am #2 Dad. And when I first heard that from her, I asked "Why?" She said "Because God our Father in heaven is #1, He comes before anyone. So you are #2." As God tested Abraham (in Genesis 22) as he took his only son Isaac to be sacrificed he was choosing God to be held dearest, loved and trusted more than anything or anyone on earth. God did provide a sacrifice, and it was not Isaac. But Abraham put God before anything or anyone. Or as Paul, who had no wages, no family, etc., but God provided everything for him, as he was shipwrecked, beaten, scourged, jailed until death as he was poured out, all for the glory of God. Is the world or what it has to offer taking up more of our time than God is? Are we surrender to Him so that he is able to work through as He did through these Godly people in His Holy scriptures? Are the video games, T.V., and other things that seem to have a grasp on us more important than His will for us in Christ Jesus? Paul said.... Philippians 3:8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ Have we, or are we, at point where we are counting everything a loss to the knowing of Jesus Christ? And because of Him we have (not only want), but are willing to count those things as lost so that we may gain Christ? Sure we will be at loss of those things that are temporary, but we will gain what is eternal which is life in Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 14:26:09 +0000

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