Whoo. This was pretty quick. But I hope it oozes out okay. Here - TopicsExpress


Whoo. This was pretty quick. But I hope it oozes out okay. Here is second part (I dont own Bleach) The Life In Our Hearts Chapter 12 Ulquiorra rushed to Orihimes house, since she didnt exactly say she was in a hospital. That proved to be his fault, since he didnt really listen to the rest of Orihimes call, but he didnt had any time to call him stupid at the moment. His attention was all on Orihime. He made his way to the front door, thinking twice at knocking. Coming here, would prove to be incredibly awkward. He thought. He shaked that thought away, and knocked. The door was quickly opened, and Kirio filled the doorway. Oh, Ulquiorra-san.. What brings you here? She asked sweetly. Ulquiorra noticed the aroma of something delicious coing from the house. Uh. Orihime called me. She said that she- Kirio cut him off, and quickly opened the door so he could come in. Im sorry, how silly of me. Ill tell here youre here. Just wait here for a moment. The girls might be startled that a boy is in the house. Kirio said, going up the stairs, leaving Ulquiorra in the living room. Ulquiorra took another sniff, and indeed the house ewas really filled with an amazing aroma. Kirio-san mustve been cooking something. Ulquiorra thought, making his way towards some shelves. There were many pictures on top of it. The pictures were all that of Orihime and her friends. In every single picture they were together. And the look on their faces, didnt look like of those who came from broken lives. There was one picture he spotted where they seemed to be celebrating Orihimes birthday. He sighed deeply at that, and slowly looked away. He paced around the room for a while. When about 9 minutes passed, Ulquiorra started to lose his patience. He tried counting to at least soothen his mood, but it only served to make it worse. Whats taking her? Ulquiorra thought, running a hand through his hair. Tch! Probably reaching the end of his tether, he ran up the stairs. He quickly took note at how unusual he was behaving. First of all, losing his patience and cool, second, running up the stairs of someone elses house. And now, about to bust in a girls room without even knocking! How weirder could he get in one day?! Pushing those thoughts aside, Ulquiorra quickly opened the door. Orihime! He quickly stopped, slightly slack-jawed in the middle of the doorway with the sight that met him. Kirio smiled, grinned actually at the look Ulquiorra had. Well now, Ill go and leave you two now. She said, walking past Ulquiorra, while pushing him inside. Ulquiorra stood up errectly, looking suspiciously at a very healthy-looking Orihime, standing beside a table in the middle of the room. Hi? She asked uncertainly. Seeing the expression Orihime was wearing, Ulquiorra understood that everything was a set-up. Im sorry. Ill be leaving. Ulquiorra said, turning around, about to walk past the door. Wait! Orihime yelled, rushing towards him and grabbing his arm. Stop, please. She pleaded. Ulquiorra just stood there, aware of Orihimes hold on his arm. Why have you called me here? Ulquiorra asked. He turned around but Orihime didnt let him go. Well, uhm... Orihimes eyes darted. Do you know what date it is today? Orihime asked back. Ulquiorra was quite surprised with her question. Its December 1. Ulquiorra said dryly. Orihime pouted. Thats not I meant. Orihime said. What is this about, Orihime? Ulquiorra asked irritatedly, just wanting things to get over with. Clearly you lied. Ulquiorra remarked. He made sure to look away, so that whatever emotion he had on his face, wouldnt be visible to Orihime. You had me worried. Ulquiorra added quietly. Orihime gave a small gasp. Come on. She said, pulling Ulquiorra towards the small table in the middle of the room. There, Ulquiorra saw that there was a covered tray. Sure, its December 1 today. I know that. Orihime said, looking down at the tray. She relinquished Ulquiorras arm, and her hands went to the tray. But its also.... Orihime removed the lid covering the tray, and Ulquiorras eyes widened. Its also your birthday. Orihime said, looking down at the chocolate cake along with Ulquiorra. Im sorry I lied. But I knew that it was the only way for you to actually get here. Orihime explained. Ulquiorra mentally cursed himself. I should be the one to apologize. Ulquiorra thought. He looked at the cake carefully. Noting the frosting that said: Happy 17th Birthday, Ulquiorra. In all his years, no one has ever done anything like that for him. Not even Grimmjow. Well, I didnt know what flavor you liked, so I had Kirio-san use chocolate. Besides everyone loves chocolate. Orihime said cheerfully, clapping her hands together. Ulquiorra hates chocolate. But since Orihime gave such an effort, hell make an exception for now. Well, I guess, since you worked so hard, Ill comply. Ulquiorra said softly, looking at Orihime. Orihimes face lit up with happiness. Yay! She yipped. In an instant, she went to Ulquiorras side and hugged him. Happy birthday, Ulquiorra! Orihime said with the sweetest voice, Ulquiorra had ever heard. Without even realizing it, he wrapped his own arms around Orihime. Thank you. He whispered, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. And he spent the remainder of the day celebrating his once hated-birthday, with a girl, he is most likely in love with. Yeah. I was kinda hoping to post this part exactly on Ulquiorras birthday, but I guess the show must go on. Stay tuned for more -Shirobara
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 11:30:57 +0000

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