Whoop, there it is! 1 Million TuggerTroopie Fans!!!!! In honor - TopicsExpress


Whoop, there it is! 1 Million TuggerTroopie Fans!!!!! In honor of this milestone, here’s the little video that started it all. It was the second day in my new home with the momager and my sister CC and I discovered the doorstop. Right then, the momager knew I was going to be a handful and a TuggerTon of fun. Many of you have been with us since the beginning. You’ve seen the TuggerTot stage, shared a few TuggerTears with the momager thru the TuggerTeenager year, but most of all shared a TuggerTon of laughs with us. We’ll be celebrating this milestone all week and please feel free to share what your favorite TuggerTails story was in the comments below. Remember the “Bad Kitty” from the beach or when I pulled the momager in the cement pond? OH, there are just too many to remember. If you’re a new TuggerTroopie, feel free to go back thru my photo album to see all the TuggerTrouble I got into as a pup :) Thank you TuggerTroopies! We’re so honored to have friends all over the world to share our adventures with. 1 Million TuggerTroopies! YAY, TuggerTime for some CAKE!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:03:04 +0000

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