Whoopi said, I know Im gonna catch a lot of hell and I dont care! - TopicsExpress


Whoopi said, I know Im gonna catch a lot of hell and I dont care! Thank you Whoopi for having the courage to step beyond the PC curtain to speak common sense. The idea that a man can never hit a woman EVER is an absolute that we just cant abide in real society. It doesnt speak to the dynamic truth of domestic violence in any meaningful way, and I have seen too many aggressive women trying to play both sides of modern liberation and old fashioned chivalry to accept this kind of Its always 100% the mans fault and responsibility rhetoric any more. I was in an abusive relationship. It was BAD. I also ended up in jail because of a different hyper aggressive female with an untouchability complex. Respect is a two way street and studies show that violence in the home is a two way street as well. Women often end up with the worse end of the physical damage, but women statistically speaking start the physical altercations more frequently. The escalation of violence is not the sole responsibility of men. Talking or even yelling should never lead to hitting. When it crosses that line, women put themselves in a different kind of dynamic. Men and women are very equal in the mental and emotional spheres but highly imbalanced in the physical sphere. Taking an argument out of the emotional and or rational realm into the physical is a bad idea. . . Its wrong for anyone to make that escalation, but its more than just wrong for a woman take the argument to the physical sphere, its also horribly dangerous. I always did my best to restrain rather than fight back against my abusive ex, but when someone is throwing plates or threatening you with a knife or a baseball bat or a golf club. . .? It is NOT always the mans fault. It is almost always the result of a 50 / 50 situation fueled by passive aggression and deep co-dependence boiling over into recurring incidents of violence.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:50:49 +0000

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