Whoot whoot! Chapter 11! Song of Lala Act XI: The Garden Under - TopicsExpress


Whoot whoot! Chapter 11! Song of Lala Act XI: The Garden Under Construction Part 3 Lala awoke to the feeling of hardwood underneath her. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Feeling things at all was unfamiliar now, as she was still recovering from her time as a heartless. Being a heartless wasn’t something that a person got over in a day, or a week, or even a month. No, Lala was beginning to think that it might take years, if she ever got over it. A good step in the right direction for her, she thought, might be calling herself Lilly again. But she just wasn’t Lilly anymore. No, Lilly was a lost, scared little girl who was a spoiled princess with only one real problem to claim. Lala was brave, the savior of that child, the one who felt for the heartless, the one who did not heed Malificent’s call, the one who took on a far stronger heartless to get her heart back. She would forever more be Lala in her mind. Sure, Lala could let people call her Lilly, that’s a name that they are familiar with, a name that makes sense for a human. However, Lala was the name that she had been given by that little girl that she saved that day, the day she had a purpose. But her thoughts were occupied elsewhere at the moment. She looked around the unfamiliar room, grasping for where she might be. Then she remembered: Hollow Bastion, or Radiant Garden if you were being nice. Lala remembered how afraid she had been going asleep, terrified that her ‘friends’ would do something to her in her sleep. But she guessed that perhaps they truly were friends, given the fact that they hadn’t done anything to her. ‘Well,’ Lala supposed, ‘I should probably get up.’ She figured that Cid would have had some time to think up some kind of Gummi ship for her. Well, probably not long enough to fully find her a solution, but surely long enough to consider. That is if he wasn’t busy. Lala sighed. She’d get to go eventually; she just had to be patient. And maybe she was wrong; maybe Cid had a ship for her already. Lala got up from the floor and looked around the empty room. On the computer, the one thing worth looking at in the room, there was a note. She picked it up. It said: “Gone to work. Feel free to stay there or look around town. We’ll be back later.” It wasn’t signed, so she supposed it could have been written by any of them. Lala wondered what they were doing. She supposed construction work, since they were the ‘Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee’. She decided to take another walk around town now that she was settled in. She walked out of the house and took a look around. The town obviously had once been very beautiful and obviously had the potential to be once again. In it was an eerie kind of beauty that stayed even with the problems that the heartless had caused. She didn’t really know where to go. She decided to head towards where she had made her descent from the sky as a starting point. The town was fairly easy to navigate, much to Lala’s pleasure. She reached her starting point and looked around. It would be so much easier to get a look at the town if she got back on that wall. But the wall was crawling with heartless, and while that didn’t bother her much, it might get a few raised eyebrows from other people, and the last thing that she wanted was for attention to be drawn to her. She still felt like people were staring even when they weren’t, so she couldn’t imagine the feeling if they were. Her thoughts were interrupted by a scream. Lala headed in the direction from which it had come. She knew logically that it should be instinct to run the opposite way of a scream, but hey, what was logic good for anyway? She reached what appeared to be an area that once had fountains perhaps, perhaps not. There was a waterfall that seemed to be rising rather than falling, with floating stones everywhere forming a path to follow. Down below was a little girl, a girl who looked eerily similar to the one that Lala had saved back in Traverse Town all that time ago, surrounded by heartless. Lala didn’t hesitate. She charged through the heartless, leaving them with baffled looks. “It’s okay,” she said to the girl. “I’m here now. Don’t be afraid.” She found some rocks to throw at the heartless, as they still were trying to get to the girl, who was wounded. “GO AWAY!” she yelled at the beasts. They backed off some, but did not go away as they had when she defended the family. They seemed more determined. Thankfully, a large shuriken flew through the masses, drawing their attention elsewhere. Lala took the opportunity to pick up the child run. She had no way to fight, and she didn’t want the girl to take on further damage. The life seemed to be slipping away from the child, her injuries were so severe. Lala had to do something. She reached the house, not knowing where else to go. Tears were streaming down her face seeing the poor dear in such pain. If only she could do something to help. She did the one thing that she knew she could do: she could sing. Singing had brought her comfort in times of need, and it brought comfort to others as well. Lala began a calming song, the words flowing from her soul as if to hold the life in the body of the other. ‘Hush little child, You’ll be fine. I am here now Trust me. Sweet little child Full of life Hold on to that life Trust me. Oh dear little one, You’ll be fine. Life will find you. Trust me. Be brave little child, Don’t you cry. You’ll be fine. Trust me.’ Tears streamed down Lala’s face as she sang, but when she opened her eyes, there was a soft glow around the little girl, and her wounds had begun to heal. The little girl was staring back at her, eyes wide. “That voice… Lala?” Lala simply nodded. She continued the song, hoping that it was the cause and so long as she kept singing it would be fine. Once she ran out of words, out of energy, she stopped, but she saw that the little girl was much better now, not perfectly fine, but well enough to survive. She sat cross legged on the floor, too tired to stand any longer. The little girl came over and gave her a hug. “You saved me again, Lala. Thank you so much.” “You remembered me. You knew it was me even though I was a heartless then. Thank you.” Lala smiled. “Of course I remembered you silly! I told you I would! If you’re human again, does that mean that my mommy could be one again?” Lala smiled, wanting to comfort the child, not be the bearer of bad news. “She might be. You never know.” Just then, the door burst open and in came Yuffie. “Lilly! Are you okay? I saw you with heartless!” “We’re both fine, aren’t we?” The girl nodded. “You might want to get her to a doctor to be checked out though. I somehow healed her some, but she was pretty hurt. And I’m pretty tired now. I’m going to stay here.” Lala turned her gaze towards the child. “You can trust Yuffie.” “I know. Thank you Lala! I hope we see each other again.” The girl smiled at her. Yuffie looked confused. “Umm… I’ll ask questions later. I’ll be back, Lilly, if you are sure you are fine.” “I’m sure.” Lala smiled and settled in leaning against a wall. She watched them leave. Another day, another victory. Lala liked being the hero instead of the monster. But she did need to lecture her friends on killing heartless, reminding them that they were people once too and had the potential to be again. But for now, she was going to sit right where she was. *** The truth is I am not alone Anymore. But I’m still Lonely. Why? ...................................................................... Thoughts, feelings, comments? ~Lala
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 02:00:53 +0000

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