Whos life have you made a difference in today? I have spent the - TopicsExpress


Whos life have you made a difference in today? I have spent the weekend traveling to Houston Texas to visit my uncle who has recently been diagnosed with a rare form of throat cancer. My family is very important to me and when I heard that he had traveled from Colorado to Houston to receive treatment I didnt think twice about jumping on a plane and surprising him before his long journey fighting this battle began. When I arrived at the R.V. Park that he and my aunt will call home for the next several months during his treatment I couldnt wait to see the look on his face! He stepped out of their motor home to see who had just pulled up and he was shocked! He couldnt believe his eyes and my heart filled with joy because I could feel how special it was to him that I came. I was all smiles when I left my uncle and had this awesome feeling that I had accomplished something great! Then I arrived at the airport! Traveling is usually stressful and doesnt always bring out the best in people. As you can imagine the airport was packed because its three days before Christmas! Everyone is trying to get home to spend the holidays with people they love. Flights are being delayed, canceled and everyone is CRABBY! Im not sure if I would rather be a gate agent for a delayed flight or the person working the return desk at Walmart the day after Christmas, but NEITHER one sound fun! No one is happy, no one is smiling and it defiantly does NOT feel like a very Merry Christmas in this place! I sat and watched how people interacted with each other and even though I was feeling pretty crabby myself I was surprised at how terrible everyones attitude was. It was so bad that when I got to the gate to get my seat assignment the agent wouldnt even make eye contact with me. How can people with so many blessings be so miserable? This got me thinking about all of the people that you come across every single day that you only get to meet for a split second. In that tiny second you can make someones whole day by just greeting their gaze with a huge smile. As simple as that sounds, believe me its powerful! Its equally as powerful to meet someones eyes with a frown or glare! You can literally either add to someones life or take away from it just by making eye contact. Everyone needs to feel important, acknowledged and valued. Every single person in this world has the power to make someone elses life better! That might mean you hop on a plane and go show you uncle how much you love and support him or something as simple as smiling at the person who is checking in your bags at the airport. This may seem silly but I promise you that treating everyone you come across with kindness, compassion and smiling may just mean the world to a complete stranger. Why do we overlook something so easy and yet so powerful? I have no idea! Imagine how awesome this world would be if we all remembered one of the very first life lessons we are taught... BE KIND TO OTHERS Little things you do might be huge life changers to others!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 23:28:06 +0000

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