Whos looking for a hot blonde to spend the weekend with? May I - TopicsExpress


Whos looking for a hot blonde to spend the weekend with? May I suggest the witty, muscular, and sizzling Jesse Wilder and Something Sweeter? Oh, and heres a snippet from the book just to get you started. You might want to grab an iced Texas Tornado and a lounge chair first. :) amazon/Something-Sweeter-Sweet-Texas-Candis/dp/0062237268/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1407603148&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=something+sweeter “So why are you really here? Shouldn’t you be out doing something like … getting a haircut?” “You don’t like long hair?” “On girls. On men, it just looks like they’re trying too hard.” She stuck her fork in a curly noodle, lifted it to her luscious mouth, and chewed. “So what is it you’re overcompensating for?” “Obviously, you’re an outsider who knows nothing about me, so I’ll let that slide.” “Obviously, you’re quick to cover, so I’m going to maintain you have something to hide.” He leaned in and stretched his arm along the back of her chair. “I’m willing to prove you wrong.” She didn’t immediately reject the idea, and that sparked curiosity. She took another forkful of pasta and chewed thoughtfully, meeting his eyes as if to show he didn’t scare her one little bit. “Is it going to be like this every time we’re in the same room?” she asked. “Like what?” “Like a fuse has been lit, and we’re just waiting for an explosion.” “God, I hope so.”
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 16:33:19 +0000

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