Whos paying ATTENTION:Ok im in a bit of an aggressive mood. So - TopicsExpress


Whos paying ATTENTION:Ok im in a bit of an aggressive mood. So lets just use it, to write something straight to the point. David Icke, Alex Jones, A sheep no more, Illuminati Killers. Just about every alternative media outlet are falling for the Elite tricks. Straight to the point. The whole Geopolitical events orchestrated is in order to strengthen up the Russia Iranian Syrian alliance, so that they will be in a position to be able to attack the West. Right now they are still too weak. No ww3 will come yet.... Syria. In Syria, they made it known, all media made it known that Al Qaeda was the Syrian opposition. Whether if your an American that believes that Al Qaeda are your enemies because they are terrorist, or Syrians that believe they are CIA, either way using Al Qaeda in taking over Syria, only serves the purpose of the US weakening their control over their own citizens, whilst enraging the people of Syria. What ever comes about after this war in Syria will be anti US and anti Israel Period.... Ukraine Crimea has always been an important strategic location in war times. It holds Russias Larges Naval base in the Black Sea. It was used heavily in the war against the Ottoman empire during the 1800s as well as in WW2. Since Turkey is a Nato ally, and a very rich and tough opponent of Syria Iran Russia. by giving Russia, Crimea, this allows them to upgrade this important Naval base, which puts them in a much better position to take out Turkey with the cooperation of Syria and Iran. Forget Imperialism, oil resources, this is hardcore war profiteering at its finest, strengthening up the Russian Iranian Syrian alliance so that it gets to the stage that it could do some real damage to the west was the goal of the elites all along. When the west suppressed Germany thorough the treaty of Versailles this created the atmosphere for Hitler to come swooping in. The middle east is no different, and in fact it is in Islamic Prophecy that they be looking for a strong military leader. Its all about creating the perfect WW3, and as Katie Perry puts it, the perfect storm. Here is a map showing your the Expansion of this alliance.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 16:54:57 +0000

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