Whos watched some of this Alfred Hitchcock Shoa documentary? I had - TopicsExpress


Whos watched some of this Alfred Hitchcock Shoa documentary? I had to turn it off after no more than 10 minutes. These Murican and Limey soldiers supervising Hungarian soldiers and SS soldiers burying our people are a disgrace. The video shows them burying our dead without any sort of respect for them. Just dragging them and tossing them into the ground. Nevermind that these disgusting individuals went on to live and quite possibly reproduce. When you find yourself asking why the worlds in such a state, this is why. They didnt have the stomach or the courage to destroy evil. The camp guards are the lowest of the low that our species has to offer. They should have been killed and tossed in a ditch to rot and the German citizenry that sat around watching the whole thing happen could clean it up. You couldnt pay me enough to set foot in the Galut ever again. I wont do it. I dont give a shit what museums they have or beautiful architecture or other sights. Sometimes people wonder why Im so hateful. This is why. Because I think about this ALL the time. I wont forgive the German people for doing this. I wont forgive the Europeans for helping and at best standing around and doing nothing and as always I include Muricans and Canadians that are not Natives in that Eurotrash group. Hopefully someday these scum reap what theyve sown.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:39:58 +0000

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