Whose idiotic foreign policy contributed to the world’s first - TopicsExpress


Whose idiotic foreign policy contributed to the world’s first gas crisis? Who stuffed federal courts with hare-brained liberal idiot judges who are still wreaking havoc on our judicial system? Whose idiotic libranomics ushered in annual inflation rates of almost 20%? Whose lily-livered foreign policy emboldened Iranian “students” to hold American citizens hostage? James Earl “Jimmy” Carter was the second worst president of all time, eclipsed only by Barack Hussein Obama. Carter’s domestic, fiscal and foreign policies were unmitigated disasters, and he managed to stack the federal courts with ultra-liberal, hare-brained judges who are still dismantling our Constitution one idiotic decision at a time. Jimmy Carter is an old man, but he is still roiling the international waters with his own brand of unapologetic libridiocy. When he dies, we will undoubtedly be inundated with glowing obituaries lauding his tireless efforts--all of which have caused irreparable harm to the United States and its people. If you are old enough to remember the 1970’s, you know exactly what I am talking about. If not, please don’t be snowed by the inevitable glowing tributes that will be foisted upon the American people. The same media that glorify Barack Obama will be trying to canonize this mental midget who brought our nation to its knees. I do not like to see any human life come to an end, and if he leaves this world before I do, I will certainly not celebrate the ultimate demise of James Earl Carter. But the world would truly have been a better place if he had stayed on his peanut farm and minded his own business. Roger Handley Berry, Alabama 1-26-13
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 04:13:46 +0000

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