Who’s Your Boss? Why People prefer a Male Boss over A Female - TopicsExpress


Who’s Your Boss? Why People prefer a Male Boss over A Female Boss July 6, 2013 CAREER ADVICE IN KENYA No comments “Is she a female or a male?” Perhaps you’ve been asked this kind of a question after telling people you have gotten a new job. You say male and they say you are a lucky champ but mention she is female and “Oh man, you are in for some hard time” might be the reaction you get. Often you will hear people say this “Men are the best bosses; women at the top of the ladder are just too moody and never come down to earth. They are too busy trying to make everyone know who wears the pants in the company!” That was the reaction I got after asking the question to an apparently angry woman who was suffering at the hands of her female boss. Maybe it goes back to our genetic wiring and how we react to certain things. In a no misogynist point of view, it’s in order to say that we are hormonal and incapable of leaving their personal lives at home. Even at home when the mother is angry for whatever reason, the kids, and the husband and everybody else in that household better stay clear of the mother. Hence the saying, “If the mother is not happy, no one is happy! A male boss on the other hand is what most people crave for and there are reasons for that. Men will rarely harbour ill fillings against their workers, if they have something to say they will probably say it right out. They get to the point of telling you if your work is shoddy or not and they have that “Get to the point” attitude which makes it easier to work with. Back to our genetic makeup again, women want what other women have. You perform better and they will see you as a threat, it’s always a competition, even when it’s clear who the boss is! It’s also a common fact that men will rarely have a hidden agenda, suffer mood swings or get involved in office politics which is what you would expect in a female kingdom. This article is not suggesting that women aren’t intelligent enough to be in senior positions , far from it, think of Tabitha Karanja of Keroche Industries and the number of people that work under her but perhaps-some need to be more approachable and not take everything as a competition. But maybe there’s place where womencoming from. We’ve come from an era where ‘women are supposed to remain in the kitchen’ to having women presidents like Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf which in more sense makes women feel like now more than ever they need to prove themselves. When all it’s said and done, people want to go to work knowing they will be given a fair chance and are supported 100 per cent by those they work with and for.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 07:14:32 +0000

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