Who’s to Say? I was watching the news about the late - TopicsExpress


Who’s to Say? I was watching the news about the late November tornadoes, and the Holy Spirit dropped this Word into my heart and led me to Ecclesiastes, so I’d like you to check it out: Chapter 9 verse 11-12, “The race doesn’t always go to the swift, Nor the battle to the mighty, Nor food to the wise, Nor wealth to the intelligent, Nor favor to the knowledgeable, because accidents can happen to anyone. We don’t know when our time will come.” And, “Like birds caught in a snare, so are human beings caught in a time of tragedy that suddenly falls upon them. Now at this, we take a good look at our God and ponder about moments in our history and see how much of it has gone wrong in the human race. A lot of it very ugly through disasters, floods, upheavals & overthrows. This is just God being God, in all His unwaivering strength and for all ‘His’ Glory. At that I say this, referring to a little bit of scripture, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?” Kind of puts our puny little minds into perspective doesn’t it? Read the entirety of Job, and build that picture in your mind, and try to fathom God’s Works. You’ll go crazy trying to contemplate. So just go with what He gives you, and praise His Holy name!! How small we really are!! HHHMMM….. So let’s move on, Joshua asks (Joshua 5:13-15), “Who’s side are you on?” And the man with the sword replied, “Neither! I am the Commander of the Lord’s Heavenly Forces!” Which means what? If God had told Him to strike the Israelites he would have, because God is the ultimate authority here. He would just be obedient to the command of our Father in Heaven. We should all do such, but that’s why the world is…. Well you know the rest… Now why aren’t we like this, obedient to ‘every’ command. We choose a side when neither has been ordained by God and then say, “God!!! Why have you destroyed OUR good cause?! Why have you taken away OUR sanctuary?!” In Luke 13:4, what about the Word that speaks of the Galatians, the ones that the tower wall fell on? What were they guilty of? Well I can tell you now, just watch the news and you’ll see people die every day because of unforeseen circumstances, when we should be asking the true question: “If these unforeseen circumstances come upon us, are we prepared in the Spirit?” Have we done enough so that when our flesh is crushed by a building falling on the back of our necks, or we are sucked into a vortex, that at least our souls are protected by the Hand of God? As of today, yes, this very day, the day that YOU are reading this, we are ALL sinners in the eyes of our Lord. THAT’S WHY WE NEEDED A SAVIOR!! So is He going to be more partial to one than the other? 1 more ‘saved’ than the other”? Sad to say, some believe so. All these ‘sections’ out there in Christiandom, they forgot about God’s Church. Watch who you worship… Selfishness is a killer… Now when these disasters come upon us, sometimes we even curse the day we were born, or even try to blame God. AHHHH, but don’t be deceived by this! Don’t confuse any of this with personal trials or tribulations. If God is going to take out a whole chunk of the Human population, well, that certainly is not up to us. But wait!! Prayer and obedience can play a key role in these things of which I speak. Doubtful it will happen in this selfish day and age though, something spectacular is really going to have to happen for any of that to happen, but it’s coming. Can green people (activists) or the CDC (Center for Disease Control) Stop God’s foot from hitting the ground? They might seem to think so, me on the other hand, I would much rather be in the good standings of the Lord that He may show me favor and move me to the right or the left of that foot!! Amen? Yup… Understand this: God does not care who or what or where or how, or even when, He just knows all things are for His Glory, that man may come to Glorify Him. So if 200 people have to be taken out so that one of His chosen may come to know the Lord, Get it? That’s all His call, not ours by any means. Matthew 24:19, “How terrible will it be at that time for the pregnant women, or the women who are nursing.” This doesn’t make any distinction between the saved or unsaved, it just says, “Women”. Let’s go back to Luke for a moment, “Do you think they were more guilty of wrong doing than anyone else that lives in Jerusalem? No. But if you do not change your hearts, you will die as they did.” That’s right, “Die as they did,” For they did not have a chance to repent, and turn over their lives to Christ and do the good works of the Lord. So they died not only in the flesh, but also of the soul. Now that’s not saying Jesus did not witness to them after the Crucifixion, but that’s a whole new ball of wax, a whole separate topic I could write all day for weeks about. HALLELUJAH!!! O.K., let’s stay in Luke chapter 13 for a moment, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow gate.” At this, I hear people all the time, “You better get ‘prayed up!” Really? For real? Did they just say that? Yup, Sure enough… Another HHHMMM… moment. On a personal level, I would rather stay ‘prayed up’ than have to get ‘prayed up’. Big difference between one and the other, one day we just might not be able to get ‘prayed up’ before we are taken out by some unforeseen circumstance, so STAY ‘prayed up’ for your own sake! Our backs just might be leaning against that wall that’s about crumble, fall and squish us. Chaotic as it might seem, this is God’s established order, not ours. And the so called ‘established’ order of man is constantly getting in the way of God’s order of things. So He shifts things around, like the way we move furniture around in our living room. The same He does with us, but for His satisfaction, not ours, like the way we look for the ‘Feng Shui’ of things. That’s just a term for finding order & balance. But remember this: If He has to get rid of some old beat down piece of furniture… Catch that one in the Spirit. But right now, it seems He’s getting ready to bring in a whole new set of furniture for every room in the house! Fresh, Bright, Vibrant! Because the old furniture, is the same furniture, they just covered it up with fresh cloth or fake plastic, to try to make it look better! I give God the Glory for these seemingly ridiculous analogies!! We see so many disasters today, it seems they are multiplying exponentially, which pretty much means ‘compounded’ or, ‘ multiplied greatly’, and there is absolutely nothing man, again in his puny little mind that can do to stop it. So again we ask God, “Why is this happening to our people?” Well, if we had all been ‘Prayed up’ & ‘Scriptured up’, don’t you think there would be a better understanding of what’s going on around us and why these things are happening? I’m completely at ease about it, because right now, prophecy is being fulfilled believe it or not. “Do not be afraid.” How many times has that been said? As many times as it ‘has’ been said, you’d think people would listen by now. So if you are smashed into little bitty pieces or blowed up into fragments so small that even your DNA is unrecognizable, are you ready? Ready like the servant that anxiously awaits his master? Or are you sitting around with tea & crumpets talking about how the people at church are dressed? Your call… MAY GOD’S GRACE BE AN UMBRELLA FOR YOU AND HIS PEACE BE LAID IN YOUR HEART IN YOUR HOUR OF NEED!!! GOD BLESS!! AMEN…
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 02:42:12 +0000

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