Why ALJA Must Keep Alive By Moses D. - TopicsExpress


Why ALJA Must Keep Alive By Moses D. Sandy mds66.sandy@aol When eminent Liberian journalists: Kenneth Y. Best, Isaac Bantu, Gabriel Williams, and others met at the offices of the National Endowment for Democracy(NED) in the US Capitol, Washington, D. C. in 1998, the reason was simple- to give birth to the notable Association of Liberian Journalists in the Americas (ALJA). ALJA is a conglomeration of Liberian journalists residing in the Americas. The group comprises current and non-practicing journalists. The ALJA membership also includes US- based Liberian students studying journalism and mass communication. The Association was procreated to foster peace, unity, and solidarity amongst its members. ALJA is also dedicated to championing press freedom and good governance in Liberia. From 1998 to early 2004, ALJA was an icon of unity and a beacon of hope for the US -based Liberian Press Corps. It provided an avenue for professional networking and social engagement for its members and non-journalists. In the period of six years, the Association became a full functioning organization. It secured a 501(c) 3 tax exempt organization status and established a monthly news letter (ALJA News). The organization also created a website (Liberianjournalists.org). It established four vibrant chapters: Delaware Valley (NJ, DE, and Pennsylvania), Minnesota, Washington, D.C./Maryland, and Rhode Island (New England) chapters, and conducted two successful conventions in 2003 and 2004 in the States of Minnesota and Providence Rhode Island. ALJA became a visible and respectable organization in the Americas and Liberia for good will and media advocacy. Despite these outstanding accomplishments, ALJA, like all other failed Liberian organizations in the Americas, caved into internal crisis and crumbled in 2004. However, on November 23, 2014, more than a decade ago of dormancy, a group of ALJA members including this author met by means of teleconference and resolved to set into motion the Association resuscitation process. Since then, the momentum and feedback for a rejuvenated ALJA have been encouraging. There continue to be moral and financial support for the campaign; attendees at teleconferences organized by the ALJA Interim Leadership have increased considerably with every participant committing to the task at hand. Everyone appears fired-up; “ALJA REVIVAL IS A MUST”. The people continue to demonstrate that they want a revived and vibrant ALJA because “we cannot afford to let the lofty ideas for which our Association was established and all of the achievements made over the years to perish because of unnecessary bickering.” Additionally, many individuals including friends of the Liberian media, who are monitoring the present development in the history of ALJA with eagle eyes, have described the drive for a united ALJA is plausible. Some individuals through telephone calls have reached-out to executives of the ALJA Interim Leadership to offer words of encouragement for the Associations revival initiative. We cannot afford to let these people down by missing this opportunity. Now is the time that we the members of the US-based Liberian Press Corps reconcile our differences, put aside our personal egos, and come together as a united family with a common goal, UNITY. ALJA is the only umbrella we have in this land of opportunities for working together in advancing our collective welfare and those of our impoverished media colleagues in Liberia. I implore every US-based Liberian journalist to take advantage of this opportunity by attending the scheduled ALJA mass meeting/ reunion in the State of Delaware on the weekend of January 30th & 31st. Let’s assemble in the numbers to brain storm and carve-out strategies for an integrated ALJA. This is a chance that we CAN NOT afford to miss because the days of belligerence and vindictiveness in ALJA are over. Yes, now is the time to act or never. This is my plea. Note: Please contact the following executives of the ALJA Interim Leadership if you need any information regarding your attendance and participation in the up-coming event: • Moses D. Sandy, Chairman…302-494-4688 • Gardea Woodson, Director of Communication…610-212-1935 • Volcano Shelton…Coordinator(NJ, DE, & PA)…404-272-2808 • J. Siaka Konneh, Coordinator(California)…916-667-6390 • James Fasuekoi…Acting Sec Gen, 952-212-1420 • James Momoh, Coordinator(NJ)…862-888-1208 • James Gonmiah, Coordinator(Mid-west)…862-588-1445 • Joe Mason, Coordinator(Minnesota)…763-639-9328 About the Author: Moses D. Sandy is the Chairman of the ALJA Interim Leadership. Mr. Sandy is a seasoned community organizer and a career social worker. He is former Editor-in-Chief of the Liberia Broadcasting System.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 03:01:10 +0000

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