Why Always Buhari? Since the time General Muhammadu Buhari was - TopicsExpress


Why Always Buhari? Since the time General Muhammadu Buhari was lobbied and convinced to venture into mainstream politics by those who has Nigeria at heart and wish the country’s poor citizens well, corrupt and dubious citizens always go to bed with one of their eyes open for the fear that the disciplined and incorruptible man may be the country’s number one citizen. Various media war campaigns were launched against Buhari ranging from black mailing, deliberate misquote or misrepresentation in other to portray him as a tribalist, religious fanatic or regional bigot which turned out to be a show of ignorance and sentiments of the perpetrators in the face of Nigerian citizen who were desperately looking for a messiah that will save the country in the hand of greedy and selfish leaders that has been diverting the nation’s resources into private pockets. Little wonder an America Report reveals that 95% of the country’s resources is enjoyed by only 3% of its population. Before the merger of the opposition parties into APC, commercial commentators and writers were heavenly paid by corrupt elites to describe Buhari as a fanatic who sees himself as a gift from GOD to Nigerians for being morally superior to everyone else since he refused to join them in bringing Nigeria down to her knee. They said Buahri refused to consult them and involved them in his political affairs because he regarded them as corrupt people. So they decide to quote a Karl Marx and make reference to him where Marxism said “Politics is beyond good intention, in politics you must form alliance with the devil to achieve the cause” knowing that they are devil and Buhari’s presidency is a salvation to Nigeria. After APC was formed and its leaders paid courtesy visits to prominent Nigerians perceived by ordinary citizens as corrupt leaders and elites, while those in the political circle see them as power brokers or at best election manipulators, commercial commentators continued their campaign by saying the merger was done in favor of Buhari to realized his long agitated presidential ambition and with the visitation of APC leaders to alpha and omega of Nigerian politics he (Buhari) has compromised his principles and strict ideology therefore has lost the moral back ground to be regarded as clean and incorruptible person that can clear the mess by previous administration and lay solid foundation for future Nigeria. They say this simply because he was among those that paid visit to former leaders but no body point a finger or raise his voice to the likes of Bisi Akande or Bola Tinubu instead they all said is Buhari. Recently the whole world mourned the passing away of Nelson Mandela who became south Africa’s president at the age of 75. While the commercial commentators are busy campaigning that Buhari is too old to contest for Nigerian presidency and suggesting that it will be better if he retires and become a king maker than becoming the king himself, they forget that the Madiba the whole world wide celebrated and mourned was older than Buhari when he became the president of South Africa. They never fail to mention the likes of Ibrahim Shekarau of Kano state and Isa Yuguda of Bauchi state who got the people’s mandate under the Buhari’s political wind, but later turned to be working against his principles and ideologies. I bet if you where in his shoes, you will not try that again at national level because those he crowned threw dust to his eyes.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 06:47:20 +0000

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