Why Are U Here..? -HeMu ______________ Acts - TopicsExpress


Why Are U Here..? -HeMu ______________ Acts 10:29- Therefore I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. I ask, then, for what reason have you sent for me.? Peter asks a thought-provoking question in this passage. Why am I here.? I think this is a great question to ask ourselves. We may say we are here to serve and love God and to serve and love others, but if we never take the time to really do these things, how important are they to us.? I believe it is important to ask ourselves this question often and make decisions according to these priorities. I know I am guilty of getting caught up in things that dont really matter and disregarding the things that really do matter. I find myself Majoring on the minors and minoring on the majors. Jesus broke it down for us when He said, Love God and love others. It really cant be explained any simpler than that. We should remember that Jesus did something extraordinary. He loved us by giving His life away. In doing that, He has shown us how to love others. We should be asking ourselves the question, why am I here.? The answers should be...! 1) To Love & Serve God 2) To Love & Serve Others 3) To Show & Tell others about Jesus Lets Pray: ________ Dear God, Help me to remember what is important. I get confused about my priorities sometimes. Please remind me through Bible teaching, Bible reading and the love and care of others, why I am here. Help me to take the time to remember these things. When its all said and done, only what I have done for You will last. In Jesus name, Amen. Living 2 Tell What He Died 2 say, __________________________ HeMu B.Tech(CSE), B.Th, M.Th, Ph.d(Th) Email : hemujust4u@gmail | Contact : +918978978666| WhatsApp: +919494398866 |FaceBook : facebook/Hemu.rathod
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 06:40:51 +0000

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