Why Believe In God If You Cant See Him????? We appreciate that you - TopicsExpress


Why Believe In God If You Cant See Him????? We appreciate that you may have problems believing in a God we can’t see. No one can see God. We like everything to be tangible. But we all believe in many things we can’t actually see, based on the evidence that we have. The wind is an example. We dont see it, but we see what it does. Belief in God is the same; we can look at the evidence that He exists. Another problem can be our personal circumstances that can be hard to fit in with our impression of a loving God. But we should realise that suffering in the world doesnt prove or deny the existence of God. Peer pressure can be a big problem in believing in a God. There are a lot of people who are very vocal in their belief that there is no God - friends, colleagues, family, eminent scientists and BBC newsreaders. It can be very difficult not to go with the flow. Another problem can be that we lead busy lives. Some things we dont have time to spend investigating, whether thats buying something because a friend recommended it, or taking a certain route home because its the way weve always done it. We can be like that with God and religion. We just go with what we were brought up with or what our friends believe, or what the BBC or figures in authority say. Let’s put these problems aside and explore some of the reasons for believing in a power greater than ourselves. We want to help you realise that there is real evidence to support a belief in a God – even though we can’t see Him. Assessing the evidence A judge or jury looks at the evidence put before them. They then decide whether or not the accused is guilty. The more evidence presented, the more convinced the judge or jury are. One or two pieces of evidence may be coincidence. But if there are many pieces of evidence all pointing to the same conclusion, the evidence is compelling. We should use a similar method when deciding whether we should believe in a God or not. If there is no real evidence we are wasting our time. If, however, there is evidence of a God who offers us a long-term future, we would be foolish not to consider it. We will look at the evidence, both in the world around us pointing to a God, and in the message that claims to be from God. Evidence of a God we cant see. Observable facts in science Wherever they look, scientists find that our world is made up of distinct animals and species. There are no observable facts to support major development of species. This implies that a superhuman intelligence produced the different animals and species. Where did life come from? The cell is the basis of all life. It has many life support systems. These systems are dependent on each other and cannot exist without each other. One example is that cell walls are only made by enzymes. And yet the enzymes cannot do their job unless they are kept in place by the cell wall. It is difficult to see how the first cell appeared unless it was complete and fully functional. This implies it was created. The laws of physics The laws of physics are very precise. For example, the volume, pressure and temperature of the air in a car tyre are all interrelated in a very accurate way. When the temperature goes down by a certain amount, the pressure in a particular tyre will always go down by the same related amount. The existence of these exact laws implies a law giver. The universe seemed to know we were coming Well known writer Professor Paul Davies wrote in his book The Goldilocks Enigma: If almost any of the basic features of the universe, from the properties of atoms to the distribution of the galaxies, were different, life would very probably be impossible... a biofriendly universe looks like a fix - or a put-up job, to use the pithy description of the late British cosmologist Fred Hoyle. It appeared to Hoyle as if a super-intellect had been monkeying with the laws of physics. He was right in his impression. There are a large number of features about planet earth that are just right to support life. These critical things include distance from the sun stability of the sun size of the sun and earth angle of axis tilt speed of rotation proportion of land and sea composition of the atmosphere It looks as though the universe and our earth have been arranged to support life. Unlikely accurate predictions We can only predict the future based on what has happened in the past. Over 2,000 years ago the Bible predicted that the Jews would be generally unpopular and have a history unlike any other nation. These detailed predictions have all happened. These predictions must have come from a power greater than ourselves. Why bother about believing in a God we cant see? The main reason why we should think about such a power is that, left to ourselves, we have no long term future. It is an unfortunate fact that virtually everything in our world is deteriorating. Sooner or later that includes us as well. We all share the problem that we have no long term future. If we can find good evidence of a God who is willing and able to help, we should at least consider whether there could be a solution to our problem. If you take the time to look you may find this problem solved by the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible has a realistic rescue plan in place for planet earth. It is relevant and makes sense in the 21st century. This plan can include you as well as the planet. The rescue plan It is obvious that this plan was devised by someone well acquainted with the problems of our world. It tells us of the return to the earth of Jesus Christ. He will set up a worldwide government that will tackle the problems of: injustice poverty illness ageing and death war and famine natural disasters Have a look in a Bible at Acts Ch 1 v 9 to 11 and Isaiah Ch 2 v 1 to 4. We are offered the opportunity of helping to implement this rescue plan. Have a look at Revelation Ch 20 v 6.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 22:56:51 +0000

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