Why Believe Moses? In our 20s and 30s class on Sunday mornings, - TopicsExpress


Why Believe Moses? In our 20s and 30s class on Sunday mornings, we have been studying the book of Genesis. Danny and Pete have been teaching, and throughout the class they have stressed the importance of believing the events written in Genesis as factual history. A lot of religious people choose not to believe these wonderful events as being historically accurate, or even historical at all. This poses a huge problem for those who claim to be Christians. If you cannot believe the account of creation in Genesis 1-2, the information concerning the great flood that covered the entire earth in Genesis 6-9, nor about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah being destroyed by fire and sulfur from heaven in Genesis 19, then you really have no need to believe anything else in Scripture. That may seem harsh, but these words do not originate from Luke Yates’ mind. In fact, they originate from the mind of God Himself. Jesus Christ – God in the flesh – said the same truth to His Jewish audience in John 5. He said, “Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one who accuses you: Moses, on whom you have set your hope. For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?” (John 5:45-47, ESV). Moses, by the inspiration of God, wrote the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Jesus said that if you can’t even believe the things contained in these five books, how could you believe what I have to say? Sadly, a large amount of so-called “Christians” think they can pick and choose which portions of the Bible they want to believe, just as long as they have “faith” in Jesus. Let me tell you something – you cannot have faith in Jesus if you do not believe His Word (Romans 10:17). Jesus believed in the creation account of Genesis 1-2 (Matthew 19:4-6). Jesus believed that a great flood covered the entire earth (Matthew 24:37-39). Jesus believed that fire and sulfur from heaven destroyed the people of Sodom and Gomorrah (Luke 17:28-29). Do you believe Jesus? Do you have true faith in Jesus’ words? When you get right down to it, to say that the creation account is simply poetic or that a flood didn’t actually cover the entire earth is to call the one you claim to have faith in a liar. You might as well be having faith in Satan, as he is “a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). God doesn’t want you to “have it your way” in regards to His Holy and Unfailing Word. That is certainly permissible at Burger King – you can choose to have pickles, bacon, lettuce, and a tomato on your burger if you want, or you can choose to simply have a bun with just meat and cheese. But the Bible is no Burger King! Psalm 119:160 says, “The sum of your Word is truth” (ESV). Don’t make the mistake of changing the word “sum” to “some,” like so many others have done. Luke Yates
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 19:59:20 +0000

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