Why Beys and Els? Prophet Noble Drew Ali brought us our Divine - TopicsExpress


Why Beys and Els? Prophet Noble Drew Ali brought us our Divine Creed and Principles....Know Thyself and Thy Father God Allah.. THE DIVINE ORIGIN OF THE ASIATIC NATIONS 1. The fallen sons and daughters of the Asiatic Nation of North America need to learn to love instead of hate; and to know their higher self and lower self. This is the uniting of the Holy Koran of Mecca, for teaching and instructing all Moorish Americans, etc. 2. The key of civilization was and is in the hands of the Asiatic nations. The Moorish, who were ancient Moabites, and the founders of the Holy City of Mecca. 3. The Egyptians who were the Hamathites, and of a direct descendant of Mizraim, the Arabians, the seed of Hagar, Japanese and Chinese. 4. The Hindoos of India, the descendants of the ancient Canaanites, Hittites, and Moabites of the land of Canaan. 5. The Asiatic nations of North, South, and Central America: the Moorish Americans and Mexicans of North America, Brazilians, Argentinians and Chilians in South America. 6. Columbians, Nicaraguans, and the natives of San Salvador in Central America, etc. All of these are Moslems. 7. The Turks are the true descendants of Hagar, who are the chief protectors of the Islamic Creed of Mecca; beginning from Mohammed the First, the founding of the uniting of Islam, by the command of the great universal God--Allah. Bey is a Turkish title for chieftain, traditionally applied to the leaders of small tribal groups. In historical accounts, many Turkish, other Turkic and Persian leaders are titled Bey, Beg or Beigh. They are all the same word with the simple meaning of lord. The regions or provinces where Beys (the equivalent of duke in Europe) ruled or which they administered were called Beylik, roughly meaning emirate or principality in the first case, province or governorate in the second (the equivalent of duchy in Europe). Today, the word is used as a social title for men (like the English word mister). Turkish beys The first three rulers of the Ottoman realm were titled Bey. The chief sovereign of the Ottoman Empire only came to be called sultan starting in 1383 when Murad I was granted this title by the shadow caliph in Cairo. The Ottoman state had started out as one of a dozen Turkish Ghazi Beyliks, roughly comparable to western European duchies, into which Anatolia (i.e., Asian Turkey, or Asia Minor) had been divided after the break-up of the Seljuk Sultanate of Ikonion (Konya) and the military demise of the Byzantine Empire. Its capital was Bursa. By 1336 it had annexed only the Beylik of Karasy, its western neighbour on the coast of the Sea of Marmara, but it began to expand quite rapidly thereafter. As the Ottoman realm grew from a Beylik into an imperial sultanate, the title Bey came to be applied to subordinate military and administrative officers, such as a district administrator and lower-level minor military governors. The latter were usually titled sanjakbey (after the term Sanjak, denoting a military horsetail banner). Beys were lower in rank than pashas and provincial governors (walis, usually holding the title of pasha), who governed most of the Ottoman vilayets (provinces), but higher than effendis. Eventually the chiefs of the former Ottoman capitals Bursa and Edirne (formerly the Byzantine Adrianople) in Turkish Thrace both were designated Bey. Over time the title became somewhat devalued, as Bey was even used a courtesy title (alongside Pashazade) for a pashas son. It also came to be attached to officers and dignitaries below those entitled to be pashas, notably the following military officer ranks (still lower ranks were styled efendi): Miralai (army colonel or navy captain) Kaimakam (army lieutenant-colonel or navy commander) Oddly, the compound Beyefendi was part of the title of the husband (full style Damad-i-Shahyari (given name) Beyefendi) and sons (full style Sultanzade (given name) Beyefendi) of an Imperial Princess, and their sons in turn were entitled to the courtesy title Beyzade (literally Son of a Bey. For the grandsons of an imperial princess, the official style was simply Bey after the name.). By the late 19th century, Bey had been reduced in Ottoman Turkey to an honorary equivalent of the English-speaking address (not the British courtesy title) Sir, somewhat akin to the contemporary Cockney usage of guvnor. While in Qazaq and other Central Asian Turkic languages, бай [baj] remains a rather honorific title, in modern Turkish, and in Azerbaijan, the word bey (or bay) simply means mister (compare efendi) or sir and is used in the meaning of chieftain only in historical context. Bay is also used in Turkish in combined form for certain military ranks, e.g. albay, meaning colonel, from alay regiment and -bay, and yarbay, meaning lieutenant colonel, from yardim assistance and -bay (thus an assistant albay). As with most Turkish titles, it follows the name rather than precedes it as in western languages, e.g. Ahmet Bey for Mr. Ahmet. Its uses are as follows — when you speak of Mr. Ahmet, the title has to be written with a capital (Ahmet Bey), but when you address him directly it is simply written without capital: Ahmet bey. Bey may combine with efendi to give a common form of address, to which the possessive suffix -(i)m is usually added: beyefendim, efendim. Beyefendi has its feminine counterpart: hanımefendi [haˈnɯmefendi], used alone, to address a woman without her first name. And with the first name: Ayşe Hanım or Ayşe hanım, for example, according to the rule given above about the use of the capital letter. Under Ottoman rule the title was used also in Albania (Albanian language: bej, be, or beu), in two forms: in the Gheg north, as a title given specifically to the officials of the Ottoman Empire. in the Tosk south, it was not only used in a similar fashion, but the main use of the name came to be Bey of the Village. The mayoral beys in Tosk villages formed a wealthy but largely illiterate elite, exploiting the peasants who were bound to the land in a status comparable to serfdom, a state of affairs continued in the Tosk districts even after Albanian independence in 1912, as King Zog took power and forbade the Beys to mistreat the peasants. The term is not used anymore in Albania except when referring to historical figures and events or for humorous purposes (meaning to joke about someone who does not possess a clear thinking ability). Nevertheless, a select number of families still use the bey-ending in their last names. It is often cited as tribute to past blood lines. However, the name is generally associated with the Çabej line of Albania. Beys elsewhere The title Bey could be maintained as a similar office within Arab states that broke away from the High Porte, such as Khedive Mehmet Alis Egypt, where it was a rank below Pasha (maintained in two rank classes after 1922), and a title of courtesy for a Pashas son. Even much earlier, the virtual sovereigns title in Barbaresque North African regency states was Bey (compare Dey). Notably in Tunis, the Husainid Dynasty used a whole series of title and styles including Bey: Just Bey itself was part of the territorial title of the ruler, and also as a title used by all male members of the family (rather like Sultan in the Ottoman dynasty). Bey al-Kursi Bey of the Throne, a term equivalent to reigning prince. Bey al-Mahalla Bey of the Camp, title used for the next most senior member of the Beylical family after the reigning Bey, the Heir Apparent to the throne. Bey al-Taula Bey of the Table, the title of the Heir Presumptive, the eldest prince of the Beylical family, who enjoyed precedence immediately after the Bey al-Mahalla. Beylerbeyi (or Beglerbegi) Lord of Lords, was the administrative rank formally enjoyed by the ruler of Tunis and by rulers of parts of the Balkans in their official capacity of Ottoman Governor-General within the Turkish empire. Other Beys saw their own Beylik promoted to statehood, e.g.: in Qusantina (Constantine in French), an Ottoman district subject to the Algiers regency since 1525 (had its own Beys since 1567), the last incumbent, Ahmed Bey ben Mohamed Chérif (b. c.1784, in office 1826 - 1848, d. 1850), was maintained when in 1826 the local Kabyle population declared independence, and when it was on 13 October 1837 conquered by France, until it was incorporated into Algeria in 1848. Bey or a variation has also been used as an aristocratic title in various Turkic states, such as Bäk in the Tatar Khanate of Kazan, in charge of a Beylik called Bäklek. The Balkar princes in the North Caucasus highlands were known as taubiy (taubey), meaning the mountainous chief. Sometimes a Bey was a territorial vassal within a khanate, as in each of the three zuzes under the Khan of the Kazakhs. In some Cajun cultures, Bey is just a common household name that parents will call their child, a nickname. Example, Sean Bey Elliot (the BMW driver). The variation Beg, Baig or Bai (pronounced as buy), is still used as a family name or a part of a name in South and Central Asia as well as the Balkans. In Slavic-influenced names, it can be seen in conjunction with the Slavic -ov/-ović/ev suffixes meaning son of, such as in Izetbegović, Abai Kunanbaev (Abai Kunanbaiuli). The title is also used within the Moorish American community / members of the Moorish Science Temple of America as tribal titles which denotes an Islamic governor along with the title El. The title is still used in the southwest of England as a term of endearment. Etymology The word entered English from Turkish bey, Another theory states that the word may have its origins in Sogdian baga. Gerhard Doerfer pointed out the possibility that the word is genuinely Turkic.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 14:17:02 +0000

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