Why Black people prefer a white Jesus. By F. Jones, USAReligion - TopicsExpress


Why Black people prefer a white Jesus. By F. Jones, USAReligion has been the greatest tool used to conquer and convert the minds of Black people. When you connect a belief system to a religion its affects can be so much more profound and longer lasting. An example of this can be seen wherein which during slavery Black people were given a religion that taught them to believe in white deities- a white God, white messiah, white angels and white prophets. These depictions of “white only” deities were deliberately done to subconsciously indoctrinate the false belief of white divinity [and therefore superiority] upon the minds of the African slaves. In making the slaves believe in white deities it made them subconsciously believe that their slave masters- also being white- were closer to God—or god like. Moreover, during this process the African slaves were also taught to believe that this white God had ordained them to be slaves and that their Black skin color was the result of a curse. This white idolizing Black mortifying religious indoctrination process was used to make the African slaves more loyal to their masters. From the perspective of the slave masters, it made them better slaves. This conditioning has been left uncorrected and un-removed for generations.The effects of that brain washing scheme initially implemented more than four hundred years ago still continues upon the mind of millions of African Americans today. It is for this reason why it is not uncommon to visit a church with an entire Black congregation and find its walls stubbornly adorned with only pictures of white deities. The effects of that mental conditioning program have continued through many generational lines. These white deities are now so indoctrinated upon the minds, souls, and hearts of Black people that most will now angrily defend preferring them saying that the color of their deities are of no matter nor relevance. But given that this same group is often psychologically incapable of accepting Black depictions of their deities proves that color is of relevance-just as long as it remains white. For some Blacks it is so immense that they literally feel offended and a disdain towards Black depiction of their sacred deities.This behavior is among the severest remaining effect of that black mortifying religious indoctrination process. To take the standpoint that the preferentiality for white deities among so many black people, over Black ones -that look like themselves- as being normal is ludicrous. For many Black people God is revered as being the [most] highest entity within their lives. Therefore it is logical that the continued perpetuated myth of God’s whiteness would psychological ingrain feelings of white superiority and divinity while subsequently causing self-contemptuous mortifying feelings within the Black psyche. It is also for this reason why many Black people often feel greater sympathy towards the white Jewish holocaust -that resulted in an estimated twelve millions deaths- over their own Black Holocaust that resulted in an estimated fifty million deaths. These behaviors among so many African Americans are the direct resulted legacy of that slavery process where of which they were indoctrinated to believe in the divinity of whites only. I am well aware that thousands of Black people that will read this article are very sincere in their devotion to Christianity—and totally accept its depictions of white deities. They are however totally unaware that these false depictions of white deities were [and still is] used to subconsciously ingrain feelings of inferiority within the Black psyche.Today this white venerating religious indoctrination process is continued when black parents teach their children to believe and pray to white deities. It also continues every time that a Black child enters a church and sees white deities upon its walls, or read an illustrated Bible that depicts all the biblical heroes as white; and also when watching movies or television shows depicting Biblical characters as white.Millions of Black people have lived and died without ever studying the true origin of their Christian religion or of how their enslaved ancestors became Christians. Many hold the belief that to merely present such a question is to commit a sin. Some even believe that those who would question it are under the influence of Satan himself. These sentiments are often also echoed by many Black ministers. Subsequently, as a result of these norms, the majority of African Americans therefore go from the cradle to the grave never—at any time—knowing this truth.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:41:39 +0000

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