Why Cant I Be Healed? (Part 1) 1 Peter 4:1 Therefore, since - TopicsExpress


Why Cant I Be Healed? (Part 1) 1 Peter 4:1 Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, 2 that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. For years I have struggled with the question of why my physical body has never been healed. My understanding of Scripture is that Yeshua purchased our healing with the stripes laid on His back. I have seen, or heard of, many others who were healed totally and immediately, and I have even been a part of some of the healings. Since I never received my own healing, I concluded that there must be some block in me, some lack, or something that shouldnt be there. I have spent many hours agonizing over what the problems might be, and no matter how many I identified, and prayed about, nothing changed. Whether it was generational curses, spiritual roots, or some residual of childhood trauma, I went through every new process of self-examination and prayer ritual that anyone else taught about. When I heard about how confusion as to my identity in Christ could have a great negative impact on answered prayer, I explored that avenue with great enthusiasm. All of these helped spiritually in varying degrees, but with little effect on my physical state. I knew about Pauls “thorn in the flesh,” which many believe was an eye problem, and concluded that perhaps that was my problem as well. In my case, though, there has never been a vision of Heaven like Paul had that might cause me to be carried away with pride. Every time I asked God, the only answer I got was silence, or a simple admonition to wait. After 35 years of praying and waiting, it seemed to me that waiting, in this case, served little purpose. Finally I reached the point of not wanting to do anything else in His service until He answered my question: Why cant I receive physical healing, that Yeshua already purchased for me? When the Spirit directed me to the passage in 1 Peter, it made no sense to me at first. There is no pain connected with my physical disabilities, so how could it be connected with the suffering of the flesh?The Spirit then showed me that, whenever the flesh cant do what it wants, even if there is no physical pain, it suffers lack, or want. Because of my poor eyesight, I have always had to rely on God to provide someone to meet my transportation needs, and wants. Thats been the main motive behind my desire to be healed—not to have to rely on Him, or others, any longer. A part, a large part, of my dependence on Him comes from my inability to get to where I need to go otherwise. If that need is removed, it would be far too easy for me to sink into complacency. I had never really recognized that before. Really, my need for Him will always be total and absolute, but if I dont accept and believe that in my heart, my relationship with Him would suffer. Far too often I have seen the effects of complacency in others, who were once in great need of some kind, but then had all of those needs met. Once that happened, they ceased to seek after Yahweh with the same passion and devotion, and their final state was worse than the former. God in His grace does not want that to happen to me. Neither do I. Whatever the state of my body, whatever my economic state, whatever my physical location, His grace is sufficient for me. (Note that this and the following two articles have to do with the reason for my very brief break. Though they do contain insights that I believe will be useful to others, they are really more in the way of testimony.) Brenda K. Williams Teona de Villa-Clariz Lisa Gary Noomford Connie Painter Bartley Glendia Thompson Lidia Metuka Almajan Watkins Jan N Ted Siebert Patience Mpoetsi Tatlock Judy Thompson Orville B Dave Michael Darrup Shantra Kumar Sara George Patricia Rainey Jeannie Davis Branham Paula Cole Betty Fox LeMasters Jennifer Anderson Williams Sue Willis Jimmy Soup Campbell Wendy Housman, Char Day Felicia Fee Patty May Jane Wells Amos, Harold Hawver Ginger Branham Wright, John Cavendish, Scarlett McGraw Robin Main Robin May Kim Danny Pinson Deanna Miller Thuliswa Twiss Chipudhla
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 21:12:29 +0000

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