Why Certain People Succeed and You Don’t Today, I want to share - TopicsExpress


Why Certain People Succeed and You Don’t Today, I want to share a very important and powerful message. There’s one honest truth that none of these reality TV shows, magazine “celebrity” workouts or new infomercials talk about when it comes to fat loss, but also when it comes to anything you want to achieve in life. Success requires sacrifice. In the last few months, I’ve been able to live part of my dream, and write about health, food, nutrition and whatever I feel like and help people I don’t even realize I’m helping. And I’m so grateful for it all. But here’s the thing… Everything I create, the information I give away for free every single day, this new future I’m building… it all requires great amounts of sacrifice. All most people see on the outside is my small successes. They don’t see the struggles, the doubt, the pain, the fears and the many times I could have simply quit and “got a real job”. When people read my articles, they don’t see all those mornings I woke up at 5:30 to do my research after going to bed at midnight, before training my clients completely drained. They don’t see the risks I have taken to create what I’ve got and am doing, because I knew it would help people just like YOU take action and change your life. They don’t see the sweat, pain, fears and tears that ran down my face in the last 2 years after facing failure after failure trying to get my business and life on track, be a good husband and change my life and my family’s life for the better. The feelings of being a failure as a husband and a man! I’ve sacrificed sleep, my own health and my fitness & almost lost my relationship while writing articles and slowly but surely learning how to become a successful coach that can one day help thousands of people around the world. I’ve sacrificed what I thought were good friends, to start to build a strong and fast growing community of like minded people and who have helped me embrace my own authenticity. I want to leave a legacy my kids can be proud of, and leave the world a better, healthier place than when I entered it. What are YOU ready to sacrifice? Do you really believe what these new miracle workouts, supplements and gadgets promise you? That you’ll be able to “eat all your favorite foods all the time” and completely transform your body and life without much effort? That’s (Excuse the French!) bull shit! Success requires sacrifice, because we only get 168 hours in a week and one life to live. Do you spend enough time with your kids, or do you fail to do it every time because you have to bring extra work home? Do you spend 30 minutes on Face book every single night when you could get up 30 minutes sooner and get a workout done? Are you “enjoying life” and eating whatever you feel like, because portion control and making better food choices is HARD? Think about your goal… is it to be leaner, more confident? Do you want to be healthier? Or maybe you want a body that looks just like celebrities? Well, it’s going to require you to LET GO of certain things. Can’t find time to work out? You’ll have to sacrifice something else you’re doing. Slash 30 min. of sleep, watch one less episode of Neighbors or Big Brother. Figure out something. Are you stuck with a body with a terrible carb tolerance? It’s time you accept the sacrifice & stay under 50g of carbs on most days, & focus your drinks & sweets on your cheat day (even if you happen to LOVE carbs). Or are you simply stuck with a body that doesn’t want to lose weight? If you feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING, chances are that you’ve not. A LOT of factors can go wrong when it comes to fat loss. Are you avoiding the gym because you’re afraid that people might judge you? Sacrifice some of your hard-earned money, get a pair of dumbbells, a floor mat & start working out at home where no one can judge you but yourself. Time for a reality check…How many times do you think people that have this “perfect body” you’re looking for say no to a drink, to a dessert or spend the extra time it takes to work out and prepare their healthy foods? They live in the same world as you. They just learned to sacrifice some things in order to achieve their goals. They learned that short term satisfaction from certain things (sweets, junk food, partying, etc.) isn’t worth the long time effect (fat gain, no energy, terrible health, etc.). They learned to make sacrifice part of their life. And you know the best part? They don’t even freak out about all these things. They learned when and how to let loose and “enjoy life” (like everyone is trying to convince you to do), and when to work hard and “earn” their junk, if they feel like it. They learned how to quickly get rid of the 5 Kilos they gained in a week of all-inclusive vacation in 4 weeks. The same 5 Kilos that you’ll likely keep on your belly and thighs until the next vacation adds 5 more. They learned how to eat to keep their body in a certain shape, quantities, quality and everything else. They learned how to deal with social events, Holidays, and all the realities of LIFE. They learned how to use these indulgences to their advantage by either using them as their cheat meals, or simply saying “no” to some of them. Do you really think they all have great genetics? Some of them do. The naturally lean people, the born athletes. The skinny girls who can eat whatever they want without gaining an inch. But you know what? A lot of them don’t. They worked hard, found what works for them, and learned how to manage their weight. They sacrificed a lot of things, and decided to follow a path that’s different from what society tells us to do, because as you probably know, what society teaches us leads to obesity, diabetes, disease and early death. Just look at the statistics… “Giving up everything I love is impossible!” Of course it’s impossible. I’m not suggesting you should sacrifice EVERYTHING and live like Mother Teresa or Gandi, but here’s the important point of it all: If you NEVER sacrifice anything, you’ll NEVER change. You’ll stay the same person, with the same habits and the same body. I’m sure that’s not what you want, deep inside. So what will you sacrifice? How will you step outside of your comfort zone? What will you do today that just pisses you off, but that you know will give you benefits in the future? What will you take action on today? Tomorrow? This week? Or should you simply give up? Maybe this is all too hard. Maybe you feel like you’ve tried it all… Maybe you never feel “motivated”. Maybe you should just quit, after all, but what will you do then? Watch your body get fatter and your health worsen over the years? Lose all motivation in yourself? Stop finding yourself attractive? What will you do once you give up? Nothing? No you won’t! Giving up isn’t even an option. You’ve only got one life to live. The time to start your transformation is today. But only if you’re willing to accept the sacrifice it takes to really change. And remember: I believe in you! Even when you don’t! Your friend and coach, Steveo!
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 05:55:12 +0000

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