Why Christians Are the Most Tolerant People on - TopicsExpress


Why Christians Are the Most Tolerant People on Earth Intolerance is most often used as an accusation by the left of why Christians are not to be believed, trusted or generally accepted into mainstream civil (if you can call it that) discourse. But a cursory review of how Christians are treated, in traditional Christian regions like Europe and the Americas especially, is revealing. Self-concerning progressives will be climb over one another for the right to be the first to the defense of any minority, but not the 33% of the world that is Christian. Instead, Christians are castigated with such vitriol that an alien observer of internet chatter would be forced to conclude that some non-Christians are only happy after the lions are fed. Christianity’s most marginal, inane, extreme, and mendacious members are heralded by outsiders as de facto leaders of the Church. Fred Phelps, who couldn’t understand the basic Christian values of forgiveness, compassion, nor love if he was beat over the head with them, is supposed to exemplify archetypal Christian behavior. The fact that the Westboro Baptist Church makes up only 40 of the more than 2,000,000,000 Christians worldwide, almost all of whom rightly regard them as antitheses, is universally ignored. Ken Ham goes on TV to debate science folk hero Bill Nye and represents the viewpoint of the overwhelming majority Christians, or so the description goes. Never mind that his contention that the Earth is 6,000 years old is based on the work of a 17th century Archbishop who followed the scientific method of his era, is not written anywhere in the Bible, and is accepted by fewer than 15% of Protestant pastors. The story is that the corrupt and despicable actions of several pedophile priests can be generalized as the actions of all men of the cloth, that the Catholic Church’s efforts to remedy that malady count for nothing and that all Catholics must, by guilt of association, bear that cross for eternity. There are a handful of Mormons who still practice polygamy. Never mind their passive isolation; never mind that they are a dwindling and marginal few. That negative stereotype is levelled at all Latter Day Saints with no politically correct publicity campaign conspicuously condemning those who do the levelling. The intolerance of Christianity descends into the everyday lives of the average Christian as well. A mourning family places down a cross as a memorial for a loved one killed in an automobile collision, only to witness a bitter atheist use the force of judges and police have it removed for the crime of being publicly visible. Their First Amendment right to not see a lowercase ‘t’ supersedes the rights of the bereaved to honor their lost loved one in the tradition of their heritage. The workplace must be so inclusive that paradoxically a Christmas tree cannot be allowed in an office lest that particular quasi-pagan tradition leave a conjectural atheist colleague anything other than completely bereft of faith. Many companies do not even offer Christmas as a holiday anymore, forcing Christian employees to spend vacation time so they can celebrate the Nativity with their families. Christians can be murdered en masse in Africa and the Middle East without calls for their protection. In fact, 80% of religious violence in the world is directed at Christians, but there are few cries for their defense. Their brothers and sisters abroad must remain content to pray for their safety, or otherwise the swift delivery of their souls to Heaven. Contrast that with the defense of Islam as the religion of peace despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary. Compare that with the reaction to any criticism of any prominent Jew, or worse yet the state of Israel, for any reason as grounds for exile and embarrassment as an anti-Semite. But disparagement of Christians is heralded as freedom of speech. The more hateful, uncivil, and obscene the anti-Christian rhetoric, the more worthy of praise and legal protection it becomes. Cowardly left-wing French protestors express their grievances towards their government by defiling an ancient cathedral with impunity, knowing that churches are softer targets than states. An effigy of the Virgin Mary covered in cow feces is considered art worthy of public endowment, critical acclaim, and awards. Comparatively, recall what is threatened if the mere image of Mohammed is shown – suffice to say that two popular cartoon series were temporarily canceled until the creators capitulated. Christians are expected to remain unoffended by such recurring blasphemy of their faith, probably because of their typically mild reaction to it. Popular culture cannot abide even a single uncloseted Christian. Mel Gibson is a beloved icon of Hollywood until he makes a movie about the death of the Christ, after which he is the target of never-ending vitriol. One mention of “The Lord” by Tony Dungy and Bob Costas leads the press in a collective shudder of discomfort. Tim Tebow is a “distraction” because of his openness about his faith, to the point that many, perhaps successfully, called for the overt discrimination in employment against him because of it. When else does a leftist find any kind of discrimination to be anything less than criminal? Anyone who saw the pregame festivities for any World Cup match this year knows that their primary source of pride is derived from their flamboyant vocal pledges to anti-discrimination, the more ostentatious and improperly contexted, the better. The most common tactic to silence a Christian is when they are told to prove their God exists or else rest their case in any discussion as void, but only within the limits set by the non-believer. It matters not what evidence of faith is presented, Biblical or otherwise. The Christian must convince the person absent any faith in any authority they have not previously accepted, within the constraints set forward by the non-believer, or else forget it. All arguments are over and they lose. Not only did they fail to prove God’s existence to someone who would never accept it anyway, but by extension their position on any other matter is equally as invalid. Best to keep your collective mouths shut Christians, because the impending shark attack, although as predictable as the tides, might not be worth it. You’re forced into the disadvantage as moment you start. In fact, the more forceful your statement, the more intense is the responding ridicule. In the narrative, only Christians can be the oppressors. Don’t you remember the Crusades? They are still the cause of most of the modern world’s problems, after all. Set upon all sides in this way, most people would react with hostility, protest, demands for minority protection, and accusations of anti-pick-your-minority. But not so for Christians. No, Christians are not only expected to happily shut their mouths and deal with it, but amazingly, almost all do. They tolerate more slander, marginalization, violence, abuse, and blatant animosity than any other group of people in the western world. They usually do so modestly, confident in their conviction that their promised land is not of this world. In fact, many will follow their savior’s command by simply turning the other cheek and praying on their oppressors’ behalf. Of how many oppressed peoples collectively championed by the progressives can that be said? The Christian stands alone, patiently enduring his lot with unparalleled tolerance for an antagonistic world, knowing their own pride parade is scheduled on the day they join the angels and saints. ~ Kyle Redding
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 04:25:47 +0000

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