Why Daniel Pantaleo is going to jail and Darren Wilson is not. - TopicsExpress


Why Daniel Pantaleo is going to jail and Darren Wilson is not. I had a earlier conversation this evening about why I felt the officer that choked Eric gardner today would be brought up on Federal Charges unlike Darren Wilson. My 1st rationale is that the political climate dictates that someone is going to be sacrificed because the public is demanding it. 2nd) the Right wing supported Officer wilson (I suspect because hes a WASP) Officer Daniel Pantaleo is not receiving the same Right wing support. In Fact...now George W Bush(whos brother is running for Pres in 2016) Glen Beck, Joe Scarborough & Presidential candidate Rand Paul, have openly condemned the Grand jury decision. New York is a solidly blue state so its a perfect opportunity of Republicans to highlight the fact that the racism carried out by Bad cops in NY..is happening under Democratic watch. Republican can score political points with very little blowback from the base(mainly cuz most Red state people hate All New Yorkers.)The taxation issue as well...The Right wing is very anti tax anti IRS.. At its root..Eric Gardner was killed in an encounter over selling untaxed cigarettes. So in political terms..a citizen was killed by the state over taxation...Republicans are anti tax..anti state abuse of power.. They can claim ideological purity. Because key members of the Right-wing have chimed in and condemned they process..Obama has the political cover to instruct Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch to bring charges without the issue being highly racialized. Loretta Lynch and Holder both practiced Law in New York , Most recently Lynch was the U.S. attorney residing over Staten Island..(knows where all bodies are buried ) Meaning that not only is the President now clear of the worry that a Federal indictment of Daniel Pantaleo would become a race issue.. in addition ,either one of his Attorney Generals will be playing on home court.The Republicans have basically given Obama a green light to go after Pantaleo without worry of right wing political backlash. When Glen Beck gives the green light from the far right-wing...its a go! the political climate is good for a Federal indictment. Bullet points 1) Pantaleo (is Greek or Italian) is not a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant ...Meaning he wont get the same love Darren Wilson got from the establishment. 2)In light of all the police shootings...the public is demanding that someone go down.The Right wing has thrown him under the bus and given the first Black President permission to instruct his AG to go for it. 3) Eric holder is looking to cement his legacy as a champion of Civil rights... or if its Loretta Lynch ,she has 2 years to make a name. Both are New Yorkers. 4) Most importantly...Obamas remaining time in office will be spent trying to work on his legacy. The Immigration executive Action(although not potent enough) was enough for him to be known as a friend of the Latino.He needs some kinda Civil Rights victory or some situation where it can be said he took on racism. Politically all stars are lined up for him to make this his symbolic race gesture. Its highly political!
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:18:06 +0000

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