Why Delta State Will Remain Backward! Call my Lead caption - TopicsExpress


Why Delta State Will Remain Backward! Call my Lead caption annoying, irritating, dispeakable, unedifying and a wish of doom, but in reality it is worth the assertion. Before your candid conclusion to disregard this post I would plead with you to just follow my brief lead as I enlighten your mind all the way with some reasonable questions with obviously and undoubtedly accurate answers from you; 1. How many private TV Station do we have here in Delta State? 2. How many Private Radio stations do we have here in Delta State? 3. How many private print media (News Papers) do we have here in Delta State? 4. Do we have credible and indepedent Journalist here in Delta State? If you know of any, name one, with one fit that he has acheieved. 5. How many human right activists do we have here in Delta State? Even our social media platform where we interract is been harnessed, infitrated and almost totally dictated by Ipad paid boys. Corruption and all manners of evil thrives when good people fail to speak. Our Political leaders know what will befall them, that is why they are working against every individual step that is been taking towards acheiving that stead of true and independent journalism. We only have the media that is dictated and controlled by the state government. We only have journalists who work for only the government, almost all the jounalists you find in Delta state are all Envelop Seeking Journalist, not that they dont know what to publish, they know the right thing to make public, but the envelops they receive from governmment through their different chapel have turned them into toothless bull dogs who can only back without being able to bite. We have journalist like; * Joe Ammina. * Godwin Oghre. * Odudu. * Frank. * Romokpai. This are the names of some of the Journalist who resides in Sapele who are also representatives of different print medias. But hardly do you see their publications, and when they eventually publish, they are either covering one government function, or address or they are either covering a program hosted by Seplat. What a mess and shame. And the most annoying part is that this guys are paid by the end of the month. The only thing we hear and see from both Delta Rainbow Television (DRTV) and Delta Radio 98.5 is the praise song of what the government has commissioned or one project that has been completed. Even the only TV station we claim we have which is DRTV turns a person to a dumb, because you can only see the pictures clearly but cant hear any thing. It was reported last week that the governor had an interactive section with the people of the state, when I heard it I was just laughing, because I know evry question that will be asked will be fittered and dictated. What a state. We dont hear any thing concerning the Abraka/Asaba Express way that is in a bad and deplorable state. You can imagine government officials who reside in this part of the state and wanting to travel to the state capital Asaba, they will prefer going through Benin by pass, what a shame. We dont hear any thing about the Sapele Main Market that is yet to be completed for more than 8 years now, even the Sapele Stadium is still on a stand still. Yet we hear project of demolition exercised been explored by the state government. Will the beautification of our road put food on our table, will it provide jobs for us, will it educate us. Am ashamed that in Delta State we can only boast of one University, and a state one at that. Our N1000 we used in carrying out registration in the recriutment excercise that was suppose to give the unemployed a place to work in the civil service went into thin air, the media could not make a single comment on it. The exercise was not conducted, the money was not refunded, but we heard on news that those who received the money should make refunds, but up till today, not one word was said concerning the cruelsome act, not on the papers or on any other media platform, what a shame. I make boast to say, that many of the stupidious acts being metted on us by this present administration can never take place in Edo State, Lagos State, Rivers among others, political office holders in this afformentioned state thread with caution, why? It is because they know that what ever error they make will be seen, heard, contemplated and used against them by either the media or the opposition party. But here in Delta State the story is different, political office holders do what they like and get away with it, because people are seeing, but no one is talking, because the only channel they can use to reach out is being controlled by the same government. I am calling on the opposition parties, APC, DPP, LP and others, you guys have a role to play in the government, it should not be election matters alone, you are to criticize when necessary. I am calling on well meaning deltans who are mindfull of the development of this state to use their influence any way they can to atleast write to either Africa Independent Television(AIT) and channels to come and open a zonal base here in Delta State or if possible they should open one. Deltans; How Una see am? people?
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 11:03:14 +0000

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