Why Did God Create The Devil? Many keep asking this question, - TopicsExpress


Why Did God Create The Devil? Many keep asking this question, sometimes in their hearts, sometimes openly. Why did God create such an enemy to trouble you, you may have wondered? Friend, the truth is that, God did not create Satan as a devil in the beginning. God created him perfect in beauty. He had tremendous glory in heaven. In fact, he was the highest in the hierarchy of angels. He had the unique assignment of covering God’s throne. See what Ezekiel 28:12-15 says: He became Satan, the devil, when iniquity was found in him. He was consequently cast out of heaven. It took violence to eject him. He was forced out and cast into the earth (Revelation 12:7-9). From then on, he made up his mind to fight against God, always pitching his tent against God and His people. That is why he is your enemy. Check the scriptures - he has always been at variance with God’s plan. He went into the garden of Eden, tempted Adam and Eve and caused them to rebel against God. He corrupted the world till it became so evil that God had to destroy it (Genesis 6). He smote Job with sickness and robbed him of all his children and possessions.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 12:19:09 +0000

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