Why Did The Democrats Purposely Destroy The Family Unit In The - TopicsExpress


Why Did The Democrats Purposely Destroy The Family Unit In The African American Community? The Democrat Party has probably done more long-term harm to the black community than the KKK ever did, even though they had a strong hand in creating that also. The Democrats created the nanny state where women are rewarded with more welfare money with every child they have as long as the father isn’t living with the mother. Kids grow up without a positive male role model, drop out of school, get into trouble, end up dead or in prison and some see the welfare state as their only option and the cycle starts all over again. This has destroyed the family unit in the African American community. One way to answer that question would be it is essential to Democrats to have as many people as possible dependent on government. What they have done to achieve this is disgraceful and almost genocidal–using taxpayer money to promote illegitimacy, broken homes and generational dependency–all so they can have dependable voters on election day.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 18:25:05 +0000

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