Why Do You Want to Own the New Iraqi Dinar? This is a unique - TopicsExpress


Why Do You Want to Own the New Iraqi Dinar? This is a unique situation that has occurred throughout history on rare occasions, and when it has, new millionaires have sprung up out of the woodwork if they have purchased countries’ depressed currency at the right time. It is not too late; it is still the right time to invest in this unique situation. Investors have formed online forums on this very topic and their memberships have been increasing in significant numbers since the New Iraqi Dinar has been printed. Speculation among the majority of investors in these forums believes it’s only a matter of time until Iraq’s new currency is recognized worldwide. Here’s what this unique situation is all about: Many people missed out on becoming Millionaires by not purchasing Deutsche Marks when World War II caused the Deutsche Mark to nose-dive in value and made them a Extraordinary Money-Making Opportunity! Many people missed the opportunity again of becoming Millionaires by not purchasing the Soviet Russian Ruble! And again…the average person missed out on becoming Millionaires by not purchasing the Dinar in Kuwait when it was devalued and was at rock bottom prices because of the war known as Desert Storm. In any one of those situations all a person needed to do was to simply purchase the devalued currency at its rock bottom prices and then when the country regained its strong economy, simply cash in the currency and become Instant Millionaires! Major Institutions like Banks and Real Insiders (influential people) have quietly used this Secret Information for making Millions and Millions and even Billions! Well, you may have guessed by now that we are experiencing an extraordinary window of opportunity once again! These same set of circumstances that happened only three times before in our history are happening again right now. You are definitely in the right place at exactly the right time in history! Because of the War in Iraq their currency is still at an all time low. There is still a short window of opportunity for you to purchase a whopping 10,000 Dinars for as little as $10 (Yes! that’s ten US dollars!). But here’s where it really gets exciting. You can purchase One Million Dinars for approximately One Thousand US dollars! Can you imagine being able to purchase as much as 1 Million Dinars for around $1000 US dollars? This is still a ground opportunity because at this time, there are only a few online currency converter web sites that even show the exchange rate of the New Iraqi Dinar. But here’s another little known secret you may not have known. Before the war and embargo in Iraq, their Dinar was valued at a price of over $3.22 to every One Iraqi Dinar! That means that if you would have had One Million Dinars you could have cashed it in for over Three Million Two Hundred Thousand US Dollars! Many speculators believe that once Iraq regains it’s economy (which Iraq’s economy is well on it’s way) the Dinar could be worth any where from $1.00 in U.S. currency to as much as $4.00 in U.S. currency. Meaning your 1 Million Dinar that you paid approximately a thousand dollars for could be worth any where from 1 Million U.S. dollars up to as much as 4 Million U.S. dollars! What could make this possible is another little known fact most people don’t know. Don’t get the War on Iraq, and Iraq’s economy confused and end up making a huge mistake by not purchasing the Dinar. Many people have heard about Iraq’s rich world 2nd largest crude oil supply. But, many people don’t know that Iraq also has the world’s largest natural gas supply, and that Iraq has a vast amount of fresh water supply that is very important for that part of the country. Also Iraq has a very rich and diverse culture in import export. When you understand what Iraq really has to offer instead of just seeing what the nightly news pounds us with you start to understand that Iraq and its New Dinar (currency) is like an untapped Gold Mine! If you focus on the war instead of Iraq’s economy you will miss out on a once-in-a-life-time opportunity. Also, if you know someone in the military that came home from Iraq recently, ask them if they have any dinars that they would be willing to sell you. As soon as you here about this wonderful unique situation on the Major News Media Networks, it will already be too late to get in on the ground floor of this situation. They won’t break the story until the value of the Dinar has already skyrocketed! Since the 2003 fall of the administration and the removal of its former ruler, Saddam Hussein, the old Iraqi currency has transitioned into the new currency. All of the old paper currency had Saddam Hussein’s picture on them and is now worthless. However, today’s new currency does not have his picture on their money and has been slowly gaining value against all other currencies worldwide ever since.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 10:27:18 +0000

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