Why Dont You Complain About Viagra? Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) - TopicsExpress


Why Dont You Complain About Viagra? Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) thinks she has just the rebuttal for those who object to the ObamaCare mandate that health insurance cover contraceptives, including abortifacients: “I have never heard Hobby Lobby or any other corporation … complain that Viagra is covered in many insurance plans – practically all of them.” She then insisted that its “anti-woman” to object to the mandate. There are two primary problems here: Viagra is not covered by most insurance, and its also not comparable in any way to a drug that ends a life. But Democrats strategy is to make this about “womens health” rather than religious liberty. Heres hoping for a Supreme Court rebuke. Aj Balian What??? Danielle Hunt Cathey Read WAPO FB comments. The majority of those ignoramuses think Hobby Lobby is anti-womens rights. GRASPING AT STRAWS.......THEY ARE CERTAINLY NOT ANTI-WOMANS RIGHTS, THEY ARE PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF THE UNBORN ...WHERE WOMENS RIGHTS (AND MENS RIGHTS) START!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 20:04:50 +0000

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