Why Ebola and Why Now? And Why ALL the - TopicsExpress


Why Ebola and Why Now? And Why ALL the Drama? articlesofhealth.blogspot/2014/08/why-ebola-and-why-now-and-why-all-drama.html An African nurse vaccinates a child against a fungus called pneumococcus. Pneumococcus fungus is a biological transformation of what use to be a healthy plant, animal or human cell. This fungus is said to be responsible for over 60 percent of all childhood deaths in Africa. I would suggest that the increase in this fungal condition is directly related to the water, food, sanitation and hygiene of the child. Bacteria, yeast, fungi, mold and their waste products - viruses, are born in us and from us as a consequence of an acidic lifestyle and diet. All infectious disease is outfectious at home or in Africa and is born within the body from the acidic waste products of diet, metabolism, respiration and the environment which are NOT properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination. When acidic waste products are NOT circulated and eliminated through urination, defecation, perspiration or respiration they are distributed out to the connective and fatty tissues. When this happens you set the stage for ALL sickness and disease. All viruses are non-living entities and because they are liquid or gas they can penetrate the cell membrane damaging and destroying the DNA. These non-living entities are ALL the acidic waste products from diet, metabolism, respiration, environment and the biological transformations or evolutions of healthy cells into bacteria, yeast and mold that produce acidic waste products. These acidic waste products are called exotoxins, endotoxins and mycotoxins. The creation of penumococcus or fungi is the result of acidic build-up in the tissues, organs or glands and the biological transformation of once healthy body cells into bacteria, fungi and then mold. Just like food in your refrigerator goes from healthy to moldy so the human body when NOT in an alkaline state goes from healthy to moldy. Dont you know you dont get old you mold. So should we vaccinate our food or the human body so it wont go moldy? O-wait they are already doing this to our food and children! The germs of the air can only contribute to a sickness or disease but it cannot cause a sickness or disease. Seeds grow perfectly well in soil but throw them on concrete and they will not grow. It is all about the environment - the internal enviornment. And there is only one sickness and one disease! That one sickness and one disease is the over-acidification of the blood and then tissues due to an inverted or acidic way of living, eating and thinking. One last example. I call this example the Love Boat metaphor. So what happens on a cruise ship like the Love Boat - Over-eating acidic food, over-drinking acidic drinks, lack of restful sleep, lack of exercise, over-exposure to chemicals in the food, drinking water, shower water and swimming pool water. People get constipated. They become dehydrated. They stop eliminating their waste products. So, people get sick on the Love Boat because of their lifestyle and dietary choices and NOT because of some pHantom virus like Ebola or fungi like pnuenococcus. And the interesting thing is NOT everyone gets sick. Only those who stop eliminating their acidic waste products get sick. This condition of sickness is NOT caused by some phantom virus that selectively picked on YOU! IT is ALL about circulation, elimination and maintaining the delicate alkaline pH of the body fluids. Germs and viruses are symptoms of acidic living, eating and thinking. They do NOT cause disease they are the result of acidic build-up in the tissues, organs and glands because of poor circulation and elimination. Sickness and disease is the body in preservation mode trying to rid itself of toxic acidic waste products and restore its natural healthy alkaline state before it quickly dies. As Claude Bernard, a 20th century medical doctor and research scientist, stated, the germ is NOTHING the TERRAIN is everything. The healthy and natural approach to preventing and/or reversing any sickness or dis-ease condition is to maintain the alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. True immunity is then achieved by maintaining the delicate alkaline pH of the blood, tissues, organs and glands through good hygiene, clean alkaline water, green alkaline fruit, vegetables, and sprouts, cold-pressed polyunsaturated oils, daily exercise, low stress, and restful sleep. So why Ebola and why NOW? That is a question for each of us to answer. I know the answer! What do you say? To learn more about pH Miracle Living and living pHorever read The pH Miracle revised and updated - phmiracle or phmiraclebooks I would also suggest reading Sick and Tired and A Second Thought about Viruses, Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hyoithesis. Finally, pick up Professor Peter Duesbergs book on Inventing the AIDS Virus. He also talks about the inventing of Ebola, Hep C, SARS, West Nile Virus and other pHantom viruses. PS The picture below of the so-called Ebola is NOT Ebola it is a common parasite. NO ONE has ever isolated the Ebola Virus - NO ONE!!!!!!!!!! Ebola is a pHantom virus. This scientific fraud started in 1983 with the invention of the HIV/AIDS virus. PLEASE read Dr. Peter Duesbergs book Inventing the AIDS Virus and NOW the EBOLA Virus!!! You might also find it interesting that Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier who received the Nobel prize in medicine for discovering the HIV antibody NOT virus is no longer at the University of Paris. He now is living and doing his research on antioxidants and alkalinity in Beijing, China. I was with Professor Luc Montagnier 2 years ago in Milan, Italy where we presented together as key note speakers to an audience of doctors on the benefits of drinking alkaine water and its antioxdant benefits. It was there I learned that Professor Luc Montagnier lost his position at the University of Paris due to his change on HIV and the cause of AIDS. You can figure out the rest of the story. Education NOT Medication! Education NOT Vaccination! Education NOT Radiation! Prevention NOT Intervention! Health Care NOT Sick Care! YoungaCare NOT Health Care! Alkalizing and Energize 4 life!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:13:33 +0000

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