Why Hydrocarbons and Water Lubricate Yet Carbon Can Also Provide - TopicsExpress


Why Hydrocarbons and Water Lubricate Yet Carbon Can Also Provide Incredible Strength: Could Atoms Be Polar? One of the main objectives of this approach is to derive as much guidance as possible from considering why the various materials behave as they do, which behavior should be based on the contents and the configurations of those in various materials. For example: Why would oil and water be slippery, which is apparently caused by the hydrogen contained in both of those. Meanwhile, there is no way that hydrogen atoms could be polar since the hydrogen nucleus is only a proton which should be uniform across all of this sides; therefore its nucleus would roll or tumble under its single electron shell. That seems to be indicating that hydrogen atoms lack of polarity is providing that observed lubricating property in oil and water by so many of those atoms being located on the exterior of individual hydrocarbon and water molecules, which means they would come into contact with other materials and/or objects and roll like ball bearings; while the reason those protons wouldnt break apart under a heavy load or massive pressure in such a situation would be due to so many of those working together, which enables them to spread a heavy load or great pressure between so many that are facing out from hydrocarbon or water molecules toward the objects they contact. So far I have been thinking that most, or nearly all atoms are polar, which whether any particular one is or isnt ought to dramatically affect their behavior, both with other atoms like them or when playing a role in a given molecule. It now appears that carbon would blur the line between polar or non-polar nuclei, however, since the way I drew carbon nuclei when configuring each nucleus from hydrogen to argon in 2012, when drawing carbons most likely form—that is, if most atoms are indeed polar which property must include planar electron shells as requisite—would have two sets of proton quads facing out on both its poles. Yet its four inner neutrons—i.e., the spine of its nucleus—that looked like it would protrude toward its electron plane on the sides and even past those two sets of proton quads a bit, could very well turn 90 degrees in some situations when interacting with other type nuclei so that each pole has one neutron facing out front and center, which could be the reason that adding carbon to iron makes very strong steel. Regarding how typically polar atoms would generally try to connect with other also typically polar atoms, their nuclei are attracted to each other which causes them to draw in as close as possible to one another and attempt to attach surface to surface; particularly if atoms, once again, are usually polar which would mean that as their electrons orbit in planes that would leave two polar sides open for the possibility of attachment. Yet two factors appear to prevent that surface-to-surface attachment: (1) Their electrons are constantly colliding into surrounding subatomic particles which would spray many of those toward the other atoms electron shells and nucleus that is attempting to draw in close, which would serve to help those stay apart especially when electron velocity is higher (i.e., the temperature is warmer), which looks to me like a pretty obvious conclusion to draw; (2) However, just as important or most likely even more significant, some radio shells made up of smaller composites than electrons (yet like electrons their surfaces would also repel nuclei surfaces)—some different mass radio particles that would envelop nuclei while hovering a certain distance away, would also serve to keep two attracted nuclei from contacting surface-to-surface since their repel exerted toward their own associated nucleus would also repel the surface of the other nucleus, and its radio shells, attempting to draw in close. That force, or two forces, that would keep two attracted nuclei apart would be a bit spongy within an individual molecule, yet the collaborative force of many pairs of nuclei within a material sample—a bit like hydrogen nuclei not breaking apart under great weight or pressure—can collectively maintain a certain amount of space between those nuclei in a very strong or rigid manner as when carbon is mixed with iron. Carbon atoms would provide great strength whenever their poles have two neutrons facing out, because protons mitigate between neutrons since they exert less attraction; as neutrons have too much mutual surface repel therefore bang against one anther like in tritium. But at a distance neutrons exert much more attraction than protons, therefore when carbons neutrons are facing out from its poles, when it draws in toward another nucleus to attach (such as iron) it is prevented from having that surface-to-surface neutron problem: so they stall a certain distance apart for the two reasons just explained above while all of that collective strength from those neutrons can be utilized to make the material exceptionally strong. -DL
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 20:05:51 +0000

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