Why I Should Strive To Be In Every Assembly Of The Saints? 1. - TopicsExpress


Why I Should Strive To Be In Every Assembly Of The Saints? 1. The Lord commanded that such should be done: “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not foresaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some...” (Heb. 10:24,25) 2. By doing so I put the kingdom of God first rather than social, recreational, or personal interests (Mt. 6:33; Luke 12:31) 3. By doing so I exhibit the right type of example and influence. It demonstrates where my priorities are and causes others to see how important God is in my life (Mt. 5:16) 4. By attending the services of the church I place myself in the position to be edified, uplifted and instructed. By attending the services of the church, I have the opportunity to have fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ as well as the opportunity to collectively worship God with others of like precious faith. 5. By attending the assembly of the saints, I have the opportunity to learn of the needs of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Thus I am able to serve my brethren, which in turn blesses my life. (Acts 20:35; Gal 6:2, 10). By attending the assembly of the saints I am able to hear God’s precious Word proclaimed, which helps me throughout the week. 6. By attending the services of the saints I demonstrate to God my appreciation for things sacred and divine. Can you imagine a husband asking his wife how often he needed to kiss her and give her attention to keep her happy? “Give me the specific amount honey, I don’t want to do anymore than I have to!” Can you imagine the wife’s response? Well how do you think God feels when we ask, “how many services do I have to attend?” THINK ABOUT IT! God does.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 09:14:38 +0000

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