Why I am an Agnostic. The moment one says I am from this - TopicsExpress


Why I am an Agnostic. The moment one says I am from this religion and not the others, what he/she is saying is that mine is better than yours and we go to heaven and you . . . . This tribal mentality, exclusionary thinking, puts people against each other and the elite controllers use it to expand their control over peoples conducts and resources. It doesnt take a genius to come up with what is written in religious books. I do not understand why so many people believe use of logic and commonsense is good; but when it comes to religion they do not use it. I know that a child, born in his/her environments, initually doesnt know anything about religion. He/she learns it the same way he/she learns the language of his/her environment. I know that when he/she grows older he/she is wired to believe in that religion; the same way that he/she continues to speak the same language. But when time allows, he/she should learning more and start questioning. As you know it was normal to burn witches or bury newborn girls alive. When people started questioning, what was normal to them, they changed their practice. Unfortunately, when the biased is formed, most stay with their initial religion. There are of course other social factors in play (like trying to fit in, etc. etc.). As I understand it, most religions build such a huge fear in their followers that they do not dare to drop it. Comparative study (as Jewish do) do not do it. One must remove the tainted glass first; when the bias is removed, then one can evaluate better. It happened to me. I tried two. Now this is what I think: If any religion says something good, that I was not aware of it, I use it. But I do not believe that I should punish or eliminate other people just because they think differently, or just because such and such leader says so. I do not cut a finger because it is not as tall, as capable or as strong as the other. I believe people are the same. Each part functions to the extent of its ability. If some segment is not as strong, then provide it with what it needs to get stronger. Abuse and punishments promote abuse and punishments. You might say: who gives a F**K what you think. And I say: People can function ONLY to the extent of their abilities.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 09:05:49 +0000

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