Why I cannot understand anti-vaxxers: I was a generally normal - TopicsExpress


Why I cannot understand anti-vaxxers: I was a generally normal toddler by all accounts, (as my parents have told me!) I had my MMR and the rest of my childhood changed and I eventually was diagnosed with aspergers, my parents were convinced it was the MMR that triggered that change, but they continued having me vaccinated. When I was 16 I had my TB heaf test and had an allergic reaction and was advised not to have the actual TB. But I was of the age to decide myself I opted to have the TB anyway, I had to be hospitalised whilst having the TB just incase I went into anaphylaxis, I knew the benefits of having the TB out weighted the negatives! But I vowed if I had children Id refuse the MMR! When I was 19 I fell pregnant with my first child. I changed my mind on refusing him the MMR. I didnt want my baby to die of measles, mumps or rubella!! He is up to date on ALL vaccinations! When he was a baby I was unaware that you HAD to be up to date on all vaccinations to be enrolled in nursery! I think this should be the case in all countries! My son has ADHD and autism, is it caused by vaccinations? I dont know! But its much better than my baby dying from catching a disease!! Im no expert on vaccinations, but to me its a no brainier! Along the lines of the t-shirt at the first feed the world concert, I CHOOSE LIFE The extent of peoples ignorance astounds me daily! How can parents expose there children to the danger of deathly disease and say they care about there child, I am a walking, talking and living example of the fact if your allergic to a vaccination you CAN still have it! Either by the vaccine being split, or whilst under observation in a hospital just incase you happen to have an adverse reaction! My aspergers I have recently found out was a misdiagnosis! They think I in fact had ADHD which had now developed into borderline personality with bipolar traits!! As it was never treated when a child I now at 26 years old have To take anti-psychotics to be able to handle life! I will always be pro vaccine as it does save lives! I am proof that you dont have to have a PHD to know its the right thing to do!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 16:17:13 +0000

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