Why I dance. These are my reasons. Control: I was - TopicsExpress


Why I dance. These are my reasons. Control: I was dancing. I went through a spiral to a whisk straight into an over-sway, which then turned into dip back up through an inside turn, then straight into a sugar push. I could not stop smiling. The simple joy of knowing each action I was doing and being able to string them together and weave in and out of dances that I know. In these moments my gratitude to my teachers is almost overwhelming. Thank you so much for the gift you have helped me find. Expression: I have found that I express myself in a multitude of ways: piano, drawing, talking and sharing with others. But none of these are as clear, as direct, or as fulfilling as when I use all of my body to portray how I am. It is one thing to say that youre jumping up and down with excitement, and another thing to literally see yourself jumping up and down. It is one thing to explain how you are confused, distraught, and not knowing what to do, and yet another to portray these emotions in physical manifestation. Ideally, dance is more than just moving perfectly to the music, is more than just capturing the bare essence of the dance, more than the technique/control tools of expression. For me, dance is a complete representation of myself and the music at that given time. Connection: This is why I fell in love with dancing. There is nothing more heartwarming, nothing more meaningful than when someone truly understands you. We search all our lives for these people, for these few that truly get us. But on the dance floor, there is already a level of trust, a level of understanding. The very act of agreeing to dance, to share that moment together with nothing but the two of you and the music, is a subtle, intimate moment. It took me years and many transformations to be able to truly see this. All of these reasons—Control, Expression, Connection—are by themselves blessings, miracles that bring me so much joy and happiness that I could weep. But together… together… the experience is on a level reaching spiritual awakening. There are no words, no metaphors, no phrases that I am aware of that can capture how beautiful these moments are. When you are in perfect sync with your partner, both of you are putting everything that you are into the dance and hearing everything each other has to say. When that happens, it transforms the dance to a point where there is no lead or follow. There are no steps to remember. There is only you, your partner, the music, and constant creation—when you reach that moment of expressing all of your life and feeling and expressing all of your partner’s life, when you are experiencing two lives at the same time. This is why I dance.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 00:13:31 +0000

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