Why I do not exist in the NOW moment. Why I do not believe all - TopicsExpress


Why I do not exist in the NOW moment. Why I do not believe all things exist in the NOW. Simply put I value my sovereignty, I value my distinction and individuality. I am not a program or a robot. I am an independent conscious being. Do not get me wrong. Do I believe that we should be more conscious of our present? Yes! Should we learn to process the feelings and emotions that we are experiencing? Yes! Even when you look at the word NOW Here is a definition of the word NOW at the present time or moment. where are you living now? synonyms: at the moment, at present, just now, right now, at the present time, at the present moment, at this time, at this moment in time, currently, here and now; presently; informalat the minute Even if you look at the word Now it is a very elusive word. For example try to focus on that Now right now. Several now moments have passed in between these succession of nows. It maybe more apt to simply say to be still. For time is movement. It is not possible to freeze time anymore than it is possible to draw a three sided circle. It is a contradiction in terms. But yes I do agree with allot of what Echkart Tolle and others teach us about being conscious as well as even being conscious of the sub conscious. As far as all things (everything) existing in the now. This would be a complete surrender of your individuality and your sovereignty. There can be no learning and no growth and no true experience. It is all simply a facade. These teachings that we are ALL in the NOW basically surrender to the Philosophy of Islam and Christianity. Consider the following pieces of scripture (from the Christian & Islamic traditions) On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? The thing molded will not say to the molder, Why did you make me like this, will it? Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use? What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction? Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use? (Romans 9:20-22) & Then see you such a one as takes as his god his own vain desire? Allah has knowing (him as such) left him astray, and sealed His hearing and his heart (and understanding), and put a cover on his sight. Who then will guide him after Allah (has withdrawn Guidance)? Will you not then receive admonition? (Holy Quran 45:23) These extreme tenets of fatalism among Calvinist Christianity as well as Qadariyyah or otherwise termed Sunni Islam leave us with no choice, on individuality, no free will, no growth and no learning. This is exactly what this concept of all things existing in the now moment is. If everything exist in the now, and that now can be divided into photon particles of measurable time than what we have is a grand illusion that any of us even exist, have free will, individuality or even a consciousness. It means that Calvinist Christianity as well as Qadariyyah or Sunni Islam are correct in their assertions that there is only the divine will and the divine consciousness. The divine can choose which of its creation it wants to play which role, and ultimately they have no say in it what soever. They are given the illusion of having a consciousness and the illusion of choice. This is because their world view just like the world view of all things and all experiences are happening NOW come from the ontological view of Being. They value the idea of BEING over BECOMING. It is the same ultimately in the Buddhist tradition, of valuing Being over Becoming. However; as Pleiadians we believe that Prime Creator is both being and becoming. That is to say that Prime Creator has a consciousness inner thoughts that creation is not aware of, or connected to. Especially at certain vibrational states. It is this part of Prime Creator that was, is and shall always be. That is the state of Being. The state of Becoming is that in the Pleiadian collective it was realized and discovered that Prime Creator is evolving, changing, learning and discovering. The concept that All things exist in the Now Is simply put not only pandering to Islamic and Christian notions of a Being that does not evolve, grow or learn because it is perfect it is also a self refuting concept. Why Because ALL things cannot possibly exist in the now. There would be no experience, if all things are already experienced. There would be no learning and no growth, no mistakes, no corrections. On the outside it seems that reality burst forth with a multifarious array of dazzling colours and experiences, but under neath it all, underneath the facade is a dry and pale nothingness. Unless of course there is another view? Enter a perspective with in the Pleiadian collective. Prime Creator is a being that we do not know the origins of. It is possible that Prime Creator may have come into existence from else where but currently there is no data that points to this. What we do know (intuit through inner knowledge, experience and higher vibrational states) is that Prime Creator is both being (in an inner state) and becoming in its attributes. We (the universe,space and matter) are a part of the experience of Prime Creator through Prime Creators attributes. Prime Creator gives us independent free will and consciousness, not a consciousness that is an illusion but a real consciousness and real independent soul-life force. In other words rather than a hologram,program, or a huge facade as all things exist in the now, or we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively we truly do live in a reality of surprises, and we can truly wait with baited breath for what lies ahead around the corner. After all how many after scaled a mountain basked in the glory of reaching the highest peak than looked around and said whats next. For some life is about a destination. For others reality is about a never ending journey of discovery and beauty. I dont know how many times I have seen among starseeds people jump on the lattest bandwagon, catch phrase or sentence without really pondering its depths. For example I say all the time I love you but what does that really mean? Does it mean I want to sleep with you? What does I love you mean for the person who says it? So when you see someone say something like God is being and unchanging than you should ask them the following questions. 1) What was God doing before creation? 2) What did God create reality out of, if there was nothing except God? if you hear someone say we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively my sincere suggestion would be before you take that next hit of you bong and inhale the marijuana into your lungs nodding your head saying Right on L Ron Hubbard maybe ask yourself... How does that happen? What does that really mean? What does that mean given our current knowledge of the singularity, and the fact that 9 billion people did not even exist on Earth at one time, nor was there life in this galaxy at one point, nor did this galaxy even exist. Where is the separation from the objective to the subjective? one consciousness, experiencing itself subjectively? Please do forgive me if It seems I am being mean spirited. But the laziness and willingness by which people are willing to imbibe rhetoric from new age gurus and teachers is very reminiscent of people who follow traditional religion, dare I say even those who follow ISIS in Iraq & Syria? Infinite & Unconditional Love to ALL. Infinite & Unconditional Forgiveness to ALL. Infinite Understanding & Infinite Light!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 17:43:46 +0000

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