Why Ikpeazu Must be Elected Governor of Abia in 2015 The - TopicsExpress


Why Ikpeazu Must be Elected Governor of Abia in 2015 The Southeastern State Abia is one state whose creation came with a lot of struggle from the founding fathers. Before the state was created the founding fathers had to work together in unity to demand for the establishment of a state where every part will have a sense of belonging. As Ndigbo, one thing that we are known for is the principle of justice, equity and fair play and these principles were taken care of in the foundation laid by the fathers of Abia from the beginning. In the said “Abia Charter of Equity” rotation of power was a major provision enshrined for guaranteed peace and mutual existence. I have just summarily laid this foundation to state where we are coming from. The first governor of the new Abia was Dr. Ogbonnnaya Onu from the Afikpo division, he was followed by Chief Orji Uzor Kalu from the old Bende division. I want to say here that one of the sore points of the Orji Kalu leadership was that he didn’t hand over power to someone from the Old Aba division. However with the current events in the state, many of those of Ngwa extraction would not dissipate energy anymore blaming or vilifying Orji Kalu, because the equity keeping governor Ochendo global, Dr. T.A. Orji with the leadership of the ruling PDP and the entire Abia elites have decided that this 2015 power must shift to Abia South Senatorial zone. In keeping with this, the entire structure of the party and delegates ensured that a candidate from Abia South in the person of Okezie Ikpeazu, PhD emerged as the flag bearer of the PDP. For this encomiums have gone the way of Ochendo and the PDP family. This historic feat being the first in its kind in the history of the Ngwas for an Ngwa man to fly the flag of a running political party should not be taken lightly. The Ngwas in a show of appreciation should show high level appreciation to the candidate in all ramifications. Only one person can be governor of state at any given time. I therefore call on all Ngwas both politicians and non politicians alike to demonstrate that gratitude by massively queuing behind this new leader, only God can give power to whomever He desires. Before Ikpeazu many qualified Ngwa leaders have tried fervently to pursue this goal all to no avail. That is why we must not take this opportunity for granted on the altar of selfishness and ego tripping. Prior to the emergence of Dr. Ikpeazu a few had issues with his endorsement by many leaders of Abia and that suspected tacit support of the incumbent. In an earlier piece I have posited that endorsement is part of politics at any level. It may surprise you to know that all the contestants, even those that have exited PDP lobbied all strands of hope anybody or persons who could get the same persons or body to endorse them, including paying huge sums of money some in foreign currency to secure the same endorsement for which they vilify Dr. Ikpeazu. That he excelled in this effort to secure endorsement should be an advantage instead of an albatross. Abians should not be fooled by these latter-day doomsday prophets, who insist that an Ikpeazu governorship will not mean well for Abia. This is the height of falsehood and envy. We should avoid hate-politics. Many of the critics of Dr. Ikpeazu have left the issue of his person and rather focus attention in attacking what they feel is the structure behind him. Let me state it clearly Dr. Ikpeazu is a movement of the people. His entrance into the race as could be attested by watchers was heralded by massive support, endorsements and as a ray of hope for all the downtrodden in the state. As has been very well canvassed the Ikpeazu governorship will rest the quest for equity, justice and fair play. When in May 2015 Dr. Ikpeazu assumes office as the governor of Abia state, no Ngwa man living or dead will ever complain again that the Abia Charter of equity has not been implemented. That is why we must thank Gov. T.A. Orji and his team for giving life to this agitation. This action to me is the most important leadership action by this governor, this action that bring unity and peaceful co-existence to a state that would be torn apart if anything happens otherwise would leave his name in the hearts of Abians both living and dead. Let me add my voice to the fact that Alex Otti’s governorship is immoral, Otti hails from Arochukwu, he only claimed Isiala Ngwa South when he heard that governorship has been zoned to Old Aba division, a man who does this can never be trusted, a man who throws money to all and sundry to buy up the entire support base in the state cannot claim to be a saint. If ever he gets elected how would he hope to recoup the millions of dollars he has invested in this race. Now Otti has gone to Ohafia to choose a deputy governor, what a sinister move. That means we will have a governor and deputy all from Abia north senatorial zone. Otti, this cannot fly. If he so loves Abia as he claims, he should know that nothing can be built on the foundation of injustice, he should therefore immediately throw in the towel and support Dr. Ikpeazu. Who is Ikpeazu? Like every young man he began his life building on his dream to become an academician, under 30 years he obtained a PhD. This is no mean feat, this is the kind of story that will revolutionalize the thinking of every Abia youth. They can hold on to this by pursuing their dreams to the climax irrespective of the obstacles. Dr. Ikpeazu’s story will motivate Abia youths and increase self confidence, hope, faith in oneself and dedication. What builds nations are not physical infrastructures, they are important though, good principles everybody can connect to builds and sustains nations. Ikpeazu represents hope for every young man and woman in Abia State. Dr. Ikpeazu choose to become a teacher, a humble profession mostly neglected by his peers, his love for education, humanity drove him to the classroom. He has said it in many forums that towards his graduation, he felt the strong need to contribute to the improvement of the quality of education. He left the classroom to also do the same through service in politics. This is a man with a deep passion to improve any system he has been part of. Dr. Ikpeazu has a hands-on knowledge of the issues at stake. Many who criticize him and PDP focus on the issues of development, I tell you he understands the problem, he knows where to build from. He knows how to connect the already laid foundation with growth. He has been in and around the system, experience counts! He knows where the shoe pinches, because his leg is partly in it. He has the facts, he knows the people, he knows their pains, he will deliver. Dr. Ikpeazu is humble, I know this in personal terms, I have been with him, I have seen him. They say power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, but from grass to grace, this man hasn’t changed. He is the same Ikpeazu you knew years back in terms of not lifting his shoulders. He is very accessible, especially to those who will contribute to the building of a great Abia. As an intellectual and teacher, you would wonder, he is a great listener. He listens to you first! Dr. Ikpeazu will attract the best hands in government, because he doesn’t claim to know it all or have all the answers. Governance is mostly the ability to harness both human and material resources to actualize the vision of the state. Governance is a collective effort. Others claim to be messiahs, he doesn’t, he invites all to the table of decision to decide the fate Abia. His humility attracts people to him. Dr. Ikpeazu is not a money bag yet he is trending. Others boast of the availability of huge financial war chest, Ikpeazu banks of the people. We do not want a governor that after eight years will claim he was already rich before office leaving the state in comatose while scaling the ladder of the top richest in the land. His message is simple believe in me, trust me I can deliver. Dr. Ikpeazu is very young comparable to those angling for this office, he understands youth zeal, strength, commitment and he knows that this can only be for him a stepping stone, hence he will outshine his critics in performance. All over the world the agitation for generational shift is very high, this is what Dr. Ikpeazu represents. The population that will best enjoy Ikpeazu’s leadership will be the youths the hope of the future and he will live there with them. Therefore to all Abians especially of Ngwa extraction, I invite you in this new year 2015, to support this quintessential leader by voting him en-masse in February 2015 as the next governor of Abia State. We can do this, together we can!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 08:48:00 +0000

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