Why India needs to remain a secular state? - TopicsExpress


Why India needs to remain a secular state? ------------------------------------------------------------ Over 80% percent of India’s population or 900 million people in the country are Hindus+Sikhs+Jains+Buddhists. Yet, shamefully, the country is being ruled by the Minorities, who may now constitute around 20% of the population count. India is the only country in the world where its minorities ––principally the Muslims and the Christians –– have ganged up together to enact laws that decide how the Hindu majority should behave in their own country! It is truly a matter of great regret and shame that Hindus are taking this injustice and tyranny lying down! Since Congress chairperson Sonia Gandhi led UPA, the sinister efforts are underway to selectively appoint the Christians and Muslims in sensitive and powerful positions within the administration. Here are a few glaring examples of it: Chairperson of the country’s ruling political alliance UPA is Sonia Gandhi - a practicing Catholic Christian. Her son Rahul Gandhi, another Catholic Christian, is being groomed to be the next Prime Minister of India. Country’s Defense Minister - A.K. Antony, the Foreign Secretary - Ranjan Mathai, Head of the Air Wing of military - Anil Kumar Browne, P.J. Kurien – Dy. Chairman Rajya Sabha, P.C. Chacko, newly appointed Congress Spokesperson P.J. Thomas - 14th Chief Vigilance Commissioner appointment subsequently quashed) are all Christians. The country’s Foreign Minister Mr Salman Khurshid, Minister of State for External Affairs Mr E. Ahmed, Chief Justice of India Mr Altmas Kabir, the nation’s Vice President and Chairman of Rajya Sabha Mr Hamid Ansari, Chief Election Commissioner Mr S.Y. Qureshi, Attorney General of India Mr Goolam Essaji Vahanvati, Minister for Minorities Affairs - K. Rahman Khan and Rashid Alvi the Congress Spokesperson are all Muslims. To add an insult to the injury Syed Asif Ibrahim, a Muslim IPS officer has been appointed as Chief of Intelligence Bureau (IB). Many Hindu leaders believe that his appointment could endanger India’s internal security. In this connection, readers should note that in order to pave the way for Asif Ibrahim to be the Chief of IB, at least four of his senior Hindu officers (R.N. Gupta, V.Rajagopal, S. Jayaraman and Yashovardhan Azad) were transferred to insignificant posts. Closest political advisers of Sonia Gandhi are Margaret Alva - a Christian, Ahmad Patel - a Muslim and Oscar Fernandez - a senior Indian National Congress leader - a Christian. The country’s Minister of Health and Family Welfare Gulam Nabi Azad is a Muslim. For all practical purposes, the overall Hindu people and India as the country are presently under a state of siege. Unknown to the common public, that siege has been laid with the help of radical Islamists, ISI jihadists, and Left Wing-Marxists. The chief aim of this insidious conspiracy is to demoralize and denigrate the Hindus and their organizations… and encourage the centrifugal forces to balkanize India into several mini-Pakistans and mini-Communist nations. Almost all Hindus have already been driven out of Kashmir. Over 70 million (7 Crore) Bangladeshi Muslims have infiltrated into Assam, West Bengal and other neighboring states. The states like Assam, Bengal, and Kerala are witnessing a big demographic change. No matter how strongly we deny it, the unfortunate fact still remains intact that the “demographic conquest of any land is the most permanent form of a conquest.” Discrimination against Hindus in India is rampant. Top Hindu temples like Tirupati and Sabrimala are taken away from Hindu hands – through the legislation – and given to ‘secular’ civil servants for managing them. From the religious offerings of Hindu devotees meant strictly for the Hindu issues, the bureaucrats unfairly dole away Rs. 690 crores a year as the Haj subsidy alone. Remember there are 54 Muslim countries in the world but NONE of them give Haj Subsidy BUT for India alone. There is a complete economic mess and utter chaos in India created by various mega-scams: Coal-gate scam worth Rs. 10,86,000 crores, 2G scam worth Rs. 1,76,000 crores, and Commonwealth Games scam worth Rs. 70,000 crores. Massive payoffs from these scams have made it possible for a half-literate Italian-Indian woman like Sonia Gandhi to become the fourth richest politician in the world. ( Not to mention uncountable amount of money that will be spent in Food Security bill which is going to crush already burdened middle classes with more inflation) Amidst all this gigantic plunder and loot, there is little hope for our country. The only way out is if the honest and courageous leaders like Narendra Modi, after whose life and blood, these leeches and parasites are after, can become the Prime Minister of India who maneuver the country away from the sure doom and disaster waiting ahead Jai Hind!! -------------------------- IF YOU AGREE WITH THIS ARTICLE FORWARD IT, YOU WILL BE DOING SERVICE TO THE NATION.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 19:23:29 +0000

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