Why Islamic teachings should NEVER be taken from Shia - TopicsExpress


Why Islamic teachings should NEVER be taken from Shia Sources? ================================== PROBLEM (I) – Impact of Taqiyah(dissimulation) on teachings of Shiism. Infallible Imams of Shias misguided people due to being in a state of dissimulation(Taqqiyah). As per Shiism, the infallible Imams from whom Shias took majority of their religious teachings used to practice taqqiyah(dissimulation) throughout their life and they used to misguide their followers due to being in a state of taqqiyah, because of which the major problem that occurred in Shiism is the huge amount of contradictory reports regarding the teachings of Imams, and with no valid tool to differentiate between these contradictions.It wasn’t possible for Shias to know that which among those contradictory reports was said by Imam under taqqiyah and without practicing taqqiyah, as some Shia scholars themselves testified. And on the top of this problem, the other problem was that, even the companions of Imams who spread the teachings of infallible Shia Imams used to practice taqqiyah, while narrating the teachings of Imams, which worsened the problem which Shias were facing regarding the teachings of Imams. In Sunnism, many narrators of Imam Al-Sadiq and Imam Al-Baqir(whom Shia to be infallible Imams) were the people of Al-Madinah, which makes sense since this is where both Imams lived. However in Shiasm the people of Al-Kufa were the “companions” of the Imams, and they were non-locals and they used to seek teachings from Imam and then would spread in the land from where they belong . So, what used to happen is that they used to narrate contradictory reports, with no way to judge which was the correct teachings of Imam, since as we said Imams were from Al-Madinah. We will try to explain this to our readers by using a true scenario from Shia books; One Shia narrator from Al-Kufa would narrate a tradition from infallible Shia Imam, in which he would say that “Imam Al-Sadiq said that Muta’a is halal(allowed).” However, another Shia narrator would say, “No, he said that it was haram(prohibited)!” Then, a third Shia narrator would say, “I heard him say that it is mustahab(preferable),” and the fourth would claim that it is makrooh(disliked), and so on and so forth. Now, in light of these contradicting opinions, the Shias were lost, since all these Shia narrators claiming that they heard these things from the Imams, so who does one choose? So, one day, when one Shia narrator said that he heard Imam Al-Sadiq say that such and such is haram, a second Shia narrator said, “No, I heard him say that it is halal, and I also heard him say that you are mal’oon(accursed)!” The first narrator shot back, “That’s funny, because I heard him say that YOU are mal’oon(accursed).” Then, a third narrator came and said, “Both of you are mal’oon(accursed) upon the tongues of Al-Sadiq and Al-Baqir!” And suddenly, everybody in Kufa became mal’oon(accursed). As time progressed, about a century and a half later, Shia scholar Al-Kashshi compiled his book on narrators. Due to the huge amount of disagreements, he included all the narrations. So, when we look into the chapter on big Shia narrators like Zurarah or Yunus bin Abdulrahman, we will find various attributions that say that so and so is in paradise, then in the next hadith it says that so and so is damned to hell. Shia scholars were baffled by this and had no way to reconcile this other than to say that this is due to taqiyyah, because there is no way that one can say that the Imams contradicted themselves, So they considered that Imams were just practicing taqqiyah(dissimulation). The one who has opened Shia books of Hadith knows the gigantic amount of Hadiths that were labeled as Taqqiyah by the Shia scholars thinking that it would solve their problems, and MANY of these are authentic according to Shia standards, and this saves them the effort of having to make illogical and strange explanations in order to reconcile them. After reading these explanations one can only come to the conclusion that the Imam was on Taqqiyah most of his time, and this is indeed what many of Shia scholars stated in their books, and they said that even their closest companions never knew most of the religious rulings because the Imams would use Taqqiyah even on their own followers, moreover majority of the contradictions revolve around regular aspects of the shariah, from tahara to tafseer to the stories of the earlier prophets, not some critical and controversial Shia-Sunni issues, which implies that Shia Imams used to practice taqiyah for unnecessary issues too.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 10:56:28 +0000

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