Why It Matters I have been known as one who is not afraid to - TopicsExpress


Why It Matters I have been known as one who is not afraid to BBQ sacred cows. Jesus said that we make the Word of God of none effect because of our traditions (Mark 7:13). Can you think of anyone who would want to nullify the effects of Gods Word in their life? Yet Christians do it all the time! Gross ignorance of the Word of God is an epidemic in the church. Hosea writes that Gods people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). What does it matter if a little boy claims he went to Heaven and all the facts dont quite line up with the Bible? Cant we just drool and ooooh and ahhhhh because it confirms that Heaven is real? Do you not see a problem when what the Bible says itself doesnt make us oooooh and ahhhhh? Do we really have to have the fantasy of a 4 year old on Lortab to convince us and make us feel confident about our faith? I ruin peoples Christmas traditions by telling them that if they have Wise Men at the nativity scene in their yard, they need to take them back into the house and bring them out two years from now. The Wise Men were not at the Manger! The only purpose Good Friday serves is maybe to get you off of work. What? Blasphemy, you say? Read Matthew 12:40 and get out your calculator. If you can compute (even using partial days) and fit three days AND NIGHTS into the space on the calendar between Friday and Sunday morning, I will throw away all of my Bibles that are PER-versions and speak only King James English in my next sermoneth! Jesus was not crucified on Friday. You wont find Sunday School, choir practice, building programs, family life centers or church softball teams in the Bible. Yet, these add-ons are usually the source of most of the conflicts and aggravation that a pastor has to navigate through and the cause of the majority of church splits that occur. Are these bad things? No, of course not. Not until they become sacred cows to the congregation. My point? People will fight you over and defend with the most energy, things that are not even Biblical more than they will what the Bible clearly teaches. Why? They know their tradition more than they know their Bible! Why does it matter if we believe things are true that arent about Christmas and choir practice? This is why? If the church is ignorant about things that are so clearly revealed in the Word and believing error in seemingly insignificant areas that dont affect our salvation and walk with God one way or the other, what about other significant, uncompromisable truths in the Bible that DO directly affect our salvation, growth and walk with the Lord? It DOES matter if you really believe that there are streets (plural) of gold. The Bible says, STREET! AS plain as day that it what it says, yet we sing about STREETS of gold. IT DOES matter if you believe that your little baby who died is a new angel with wings in Heaven. We dont become angels when we die. It DOES matter if you believe that the water in the baptistry washes away your sin.(Even if the Oak Ridge Boys sang about Jesse Taylor getting saved in Cedar Creek last Sunday!!!). It DOES matter if you stand three Wise Men out in your yard this Christmas. Why does it matter? Because it reveals your lack of knowledge of the clearly written truths in Gods Word. It means you dont read the Bible for yourself. It means that you are not a serious student of the Bread Of Life! It means that you just took what Mama and Grandma or your pastor or denomination said as truth without checking it out for yourself. It matters because it reveals that you hold onto tradition over truth. It matters because if we miss the simple truths of Gods Word, well never understand the deeper things of God. Maybe you need to go to a BBQ today. One that consumes the sacred cows youve been dancing around and bowing before that make Gods Word ineffective in your life. Thats why it matters.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:26:42 +0000

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