Why? Its the question we start with, but after a while many stop - TopicsExpress


Why? Its the question we start with, but after a while many stop asking it due to unsatisfactory answers. If youve had children or been around them very long, this question pops up - incessantly. And then at some point it stops. Why? Im not trying to be funny, Im serious for I still ask the question when many wont or dont care to. Ive been called a non-conformist because of this character trait (or flaw?). It really gets me into trouble in the area of religion and theologies. Im not one to go along to get along. Im an observer of motive(s) - my own first, others second. Though I notice many things others either do not or deem inconsequential, I unfortunately still fall prey to manipulation - not often, but there are some actors that are really good. Im coming to a point so bear with me. I know others that share my disease. Theyre called troublemakers by some, boat rockers by others, and well my Grandma just called me contrary. Were not contrary just for the sake of being so, but have itches that need scratched. Pat answers dont work. They may silence us, but were still itching. Im a seeker of truth. For a truth to be truth, I must know why it is truth. Now were getting to the good stuff. Why is the Bible truth? Because some preacher says it is? Because it was written over a period of thousands of years by different writers and its aggregate message is that we are created beings separated from our Creator in need of reconciliation? I know it is true because it offers up the only satisfactory answer to those pesky why questions. Why is there murder? Why is there evil at all? If the cell that we all came from is interested in survival and the betterment of all (replication and eventual mutation), why are there wars? Why all of this hatred in the world? Why the mob frenzy weve recently witnessed in Ferguson, MO? Your scientific psychobabble does not satisfy the serious seeker of truth. Only scripture does and not just its face value either. There are absolutely layers of truth still left uncovered in scripture. I can string together passages from scripture and found my own cult. Many have, but this does not mean theyve arrived at truth. If two opposing views can be proven with the sacred text of scripture, neither side has arrived at truth. Too many have stopped asking why. Go along to get along. Or worse, because it makes them feel good, it must be right. This is as dangerous in the religious world as it is in the secular. My feelings about something cannot be taken into consideration when seeking truth. Charles G Finney, the revivalist of old, penned his Systematic Theology before his death. It was the summation of the truth he discovered and many study his teachings (as I have) and stop there or continue to study his subsequent followers. Finney wrote in the preface of his work that he hoped others would come along and dig even deeper and was humble enough to accept the possibility of being wrong on some issues. Some quote him as if his writings were authored by God. Some do the same with Augustine or his follower Calvin or the countless others whove written their commentaries upon the truth that is the Bible. For me, Ill keep seeking and discovering. Ill keep asking why. It has served me well. Ive a relationship with the Father of all creation not based upon a recited prayer or religious activities that I point to, but rather because I seek Him for Him. No other reason. Not for a reward and not to escape the punishment if I do not. He is a Person like no other. His ways are past finding out, but I still seek. I meditate upon Him. The Bible (at its face value) was merely an introduction. I suppose if I took the time, I could write a whole chapter to a book commenting upon the very first verse of this Book of books. The question remains. Why? Because In the beginning, God.... But, why? The answer is hard to discover only to those unwilling to search themselves in complete honesty. Because Hes God? Thats the pat answer. Keep going. Because He was lonely? Laughable, but no. Love must have an object. You are that object. His love is unlike mere human love. Why? Its who He is. He is the embodiment and full expression of it. Youve never known real love until youve experienced His. His book shows this and guides to deeper and deeper levels of its embrace. Be a child again. Ask why. You havent got it all figured out and neither do I.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 03:41:24 +0000

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