Why Jammu MPs were silent in Lok Sabha When Mehbooba was asking - TopicsExpress


Why Jammu MPs were silent in Lok Sabha When Mehbooba was asking SAARC status for Kashmir “Several intellectuals, political activists and members of the civil society are raising serious concern about the silence maintained by two Jammu Lok Sabha members in the House when Mrs. Mehbooba Mufti a Kashmiri MP was shouting at the top of her voice advocating for SAARC status for Kashmir and demanding that Parliament should hold special session to resolve the so-called K-issue, Prof.Bhim Singh, Supremo of the National Panthers Party and Member of National Integration Council while commenting on the Mehbooba’s way to promote Hurriyat agenda inside Lok Sabha accused the recently elected Lok Sabha Members from Jammu to keep silence rather submitting to the Kashmiri Members demand. What happened to the Jammu MPs and why they did not or could not raise the voice of Jammu refugees, migrants, youth who have been worst sufferers of the so-called Kashmiriyat which has been exploited by the Kashmiri political leadership just to gain power at the cost of peace and normalcy. Prof.Bhim Singh said that presidential address too had ignored the plight of 15 lacs Jammu migrants from POK and nearly 20000 from hill areas of Jammu. The presidential address failed to mention the deteriorating condition of the permanent residents of the state in Gilgit and Baltistan which has since been annexed by Pakistan as its fifth province. Prof.Bhim Singh said that what happened in Lok Sabha yesterday should work as a wake up call for the nationalist and secular society in Jammu Pradesh. ‘Kashmir’ cannot be compared with SAARC as Jammu Kashmir is and shall be integral part of India. This fact is supported by Section 3 of the Constitution of J&K. Let us be contended by saying, “Hello, Jammu MPs”.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 11:40:29 +0000

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