Why Jonathan’s Govt Is The Most Corrupt In Nigeria’s History! - TopicsExpress


Why Jonathan’s Govt Is The Most Corrupt In Nigeria’s History! Must Read I am highly constrained to write this piece because ordinarily you will think that the average Nigerian know the things I am about to say, sadly, this is not the case. A vast majority of Nigerians are literarily “r*ped” and “plundered” by this government without even knowing it. It has therefore become extremely pertinent for me to write this piece detailing how the GEJ government has risen through unpopular ranks to become the MOST CORRUPT government EVER in the history of Nigeria. I do not write this based on my party affiliation or for the mere fact that I dislike GEJ and most of what he stands for, no. Rather, I write this to inform those that have been beclouded by ethnicity and religion, those that constantly turn a blind eye to GEJ and those in his inner circles as they continue to plunder the commonwealth of the Nigerian state in the full glare of the proverbial “african sunrise”, while gullible citizens sit and watch like hypnotized slaves chanting “fresh air”. I will start by outlining some FACTS, that I challenge ANYONE to tell me which government in the history of Nigeria have done worse that the below stated: 1. It was in Jonathan’s government that oil subsidy payment rose magically from N300BN ($2billion) to an astronomical N2.3Tn ($14billion) in just 2 years! The population of Nigeria had not risen significantly neither did our fuel consumption. These monies were largely stolen by GEJ and his cronies with only paper barrels of oil to show for it. Some might argue that GEJ called for the removal of fuel subsidy, however, that call was from the orders of the World Bank and IMF working through their agent NOI. Even at that, these theives continue to walk free and still collect billions in subsidy from the government. 2. Recall that GEJ generously gave national honors to supposed Nigerian “heros”, while I agree that some deserved it, it was unanimously agreed that GEJ awarded WELL KNOWN corrupt and indicted officials that contributed nothing but corruption and rot in the Nigerian system. No government EVER in Nigeria gave national honors to known corrupt officials. 3. GEJ not only pardoned murderers and thieves, he brought them into his fold as political tools. Take a look at the disgraceful Alamesigha! So disgusting…but today he is celebrated and paid millions doing hatchet jobs for the president. 4. NNPC have been indicted in several corruption charges, yet, no one has been fired. Deziani is one of the most corrupt Nigerian ministers in the history of Nigeria, yet, for God knows what, GEJ has decided to turn a blind eye to the rot and corruption going on in our oil sector. 5. President Yara’adu sacked Prof Adenike Grange only based on indictment, a crime she did not really know about. Pres. Obasanjo arrested the nation’s police boss, even sacked his vice president. Today GEJ continues to romance a woman with a fake MBA degree from a University that have never offered such a degree to anyone in its 125 years of existence, a woman that misappropriated millions of dollars in phony car deals! No government no matter how corruptly labelled in the history of Nigeria, has ever allowed such impunity go unchecked! 6. Our well-respected Lamido Sanusi Lamido exposed the scale of corruption again going on in the NNPC, even after the “reconciliation” of figures, we still have almost $11billion missing, yet our president remains mute about this. 7. Remember the $1billion stolen by GEJ and his inner circle in the phony oil block deals? Remember? Yes your Jonathan with no shoes orchestrated that deal. 8. For those that do not know, over $10billion was spent by this government on power yet we still have less than 5000MW of electricity, after that wasted money, we now have the power infrastructure in the hands of phony companies controlled by the the presidents and Deziani’s inner circles. One of the companies is Taleveras group run by Igoh Sanomi a front for Deziani. 9. Remember the indicted civil servant Maina that stole over N25billion ($170 million) from the pension’s fund? You now why he is still walking free despite the unearthed canker worms by our Federal Legislators? Yes, you guessed right! He is under the presidential protection and immunity! 10. Jonathan left N296BN ($2billion) unbudgeted for in this year’s budget. Do you know what this money is meant for? You guessed right – it is meant to be pocketed by Jonathan and his cronies 10. According to the former Ambassador of the United States to Nigeria – John Cambell, in his book, “Nigeria on the brink”, there are now over 115 people worth over at least $1billion USD in Nigeria since GEJ came to power, most of which happened in just 3 years under the leadership of Jonathan. These people are largely people connected to Jonathan with no known source of living, just being affiliated to a corrupt Jonathan made them billionaires. Well, I am not surprised, after all these billions in subsidies and phony contracts why won’t we have such a number. 11. NEVER in the history of Nigeria has Nigeria ranked lower than 140 by transparency international, not even in the dark days of military regime. 12. NO president in the history of Nigeria has ever had 11 private Jets in the presidential air fleet! The highest was in Late President Yar’adua’s regime that had 4. The 4th was a second air ambulance which we all know was needed. 13. For the first time since the creation of the EFFC, we will all agree that the agency has become the MOST INEPT and DOMANT agency in Nigeria today. It has been best described by observers nationally and internationally as a Toothless Bulldog! All these happened since Jonathan assumed office. I will pause here for a bit, but anyone that calls president Jonathan the best thing that has ever happened in Nigeria, would honestly need to visit a psychiatrist. Let us not allow ignorance and propaganda from this evil government becloud us. This sort of theft breed civil wars. God for bid it happens. Nevertheless, one thing is crystal clear, GEJ’s government is the MOST corrupt in the history of Nigeria. We must say NO to this fraud, we must give it our all to make sure this evil does not thrive in our midst. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria – Source: Naijatunez
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 09:48:39 +0000

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