Why Kamatapur should never be a part of the Indian nation: A - TopicsExpress


Why Kamatapur should never be a part of the Indian nation: A Kamatapuri point of view The truth is that India (same logic applies to Pakistan too) was never was a nation before 1947. Now that it has become a nation technically; I will go over the aftermath of what damage India has done to the true nations that it is comprised of currently. India is a geographical term invented by a private company called “East India Company” which ruled India till 1858. It was handed over to the British Raj later. British ruled India until 1947 (I repeat this because a lot of folks in India are unaware of these simple facts). There were 565 princely states when India and Pakistan got their independence. Those princely states were never part of British India as they were never ruled directly by the British. If Gandhiji was a true nationalist he would have understood the strategy of the imperialist British as why they did not impose their direct rule over those princely states. For a nationalist, to understand an imperialist design is a mandatory subject of reviews. I do not support Gandhi for his struggle for Indian independence solely for the fact that he had no knowledge about so called Indian societies or nations. Since he had no idea of what a nation is and if he was truly a patriot, he would have fought British for economic freedom for so called Indians and not start a political freedom movement. I can support Md. Jinnah on that account because he had a clear ideology for his deprived Muslim population. Was Gandhi a British agent then, because, knowingly or unknowingly he was following the British imperialist ideology to keep all nations in that region under upper caste Brahmin rule? I doubt it, but however, I must give some credit to his personal sacrifices that he made for his country so called India. True, Gandhi did not design Indian imperialism but after 68 years of independence, the matter has become clear to many of those who still suffer oppression under the banner of Jai Hind and holy Indian constitution. Imperialism or not Indian founding fathers (except Dr. Ambedkar) could never grasp a right ideology in their lifetime in any field of humanity. Gandhi himself wouldn’t budge on the issue of his horrible Hindu caste system that was cunningly used by Indian upper caste echelons. When a so called nation is built on lies and falsehood what can anyone expect? A civilized nation’s credibility is measured by it criminal justice system. Indian Supreme Court has established a “Clean Chit” system which has a very liberal policy for its criminal politicians. Mr. Modi got it after supervising murders of over 2000 innocent Muslims in Gujraat. Modi’s right hand man Amit Shah also got it after supervising some illegal fake encounter killings. Another infamous political criminal, Laal Advani who used his brainwashed RSS cadres, Karsevaks to a rampage and kill another 5000 all over India but nothing happened, just another clean chit for free. I wonder if the whole Indian Judiciary is full of criminal judges! Only criminals have sympathy for fellow criminals, isn’t it? It is not unnatural for a fascist regime to rule thru a murderous way. After all they have an ideology of hatred! But what about their predecessors, the secular imperialists? They are also one step ahead of their dirty game. Most of the massacres by the Indian Army had taken place by the imperialists (INC and its cahoots). In Kashmir alone, over half a million lost their lives. In Khalistan, the same story was repeated too. Thousands Sikhs were murdered in cold blood in Golden Temple and the murderers were rewarded by Indira Gandhi. Following Indira’s assassination, so called secular congress party workers hunted and killed thousands of innocent Sikhs. The true ugly face of secular Congressi Hindus got exposed in broad daylight! The facts above describe the true Indian hegemony over other nationals, religions, lower caste Hindus and the unfortunate poor. We Kamatapuris do not want to take any part to that kind of uncivilized system. We Kamatapuris are seeking freedom from India. We want to be independent again to search our own future destiny. The followings are true to my honest assessment. 1) Joining Indian dominion was a grave mistake as we were not aware of Indian master plan of forced integration. 2) We have lost our identity, language and cultural heritage. 3) We have become refugees in our own native land. 4) Indian identity is false and does not reflect our Koch Rajbanshi pride. Free Kamatapur, Jay Kamatapur, Jay Koch Rajbanshir Jay!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:33:03 +0000

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