Why NOT to compete 29.10.2014 Als ich mit CrossFit - TopicsExpress


Why NOT to compete 29.10.2014 Als ich mit CrossFit angefangen habe, gab es kaum Wettbewerbe in der näheren Umgebung an denen man hätte teilnehmen können. Dies hat sich sehr verändert. Mittlerweile kann man fast wöchentlich an irgendeiner Online-Quali für irgendeinen Wettkampf mitmachen. Und das ist generell auch eine schöne Sache, macht es doch einfach Spaß zu sehen wo man im Vergleich mit anderen steht. Allerdings sollten Wettbewerbe meiner Meinung nach trotzdem einen eher kleinen Teil des Trainings der meisten Menschen ausmachen. Warum wird in folgendem Artikel schön erläutert: With the growth in popularity of CrossFit competition, too much focus is put on placing and qualifying and not enough is reserved for health and happiness. While competition can play a valuable role in a student’s CrossFit journey, choosing not to compete also can be beneficial when choosing to prioritize a student’s well-being. Let’s compare CrossFit to another more established sport. In professional football, the goal is to win football games. In the process, a player may endure concussions, sprains or other injuries and still compete on a weekly basis. The football player accepts this as part of his job, and he understands how this sacrifices his health. As a student of CrossFit, it’s not your job to be good at exercise or compete through injury. It’s not necessary to speed through movement and not receive the benefit of the exercise. You have the rest of your life to get good at exercising. Your health is taking a beating for an unworthy cause. And don’t sacrifice your mental health. Neither you, your team or your gym becomes superior based on how you rank in the Open. While the culture of CrossFit breeds competition, if you are truly focused on improving, you must allow yourself to struggle without the pressure of beating other people. Students of CrossFit need muscle development, not just another beatdown. The goal of CrossFit is to relearn how to move your body and strengthen it to move better. When we constantly police time and load, the emphasis becomes the whiteboard. If you consistently seek validation based on how much better you are than other people, you will never find satisfaction. If you choose to compete, allow your training days at the gym to be a struggle. Focus on movement quality and mobility, and allow the competition day to be a learning experience, not an excuse to feel better (or worse) about yourself. Bring the focus back to empowerment, learning and growth — mentally and physically — and you’ll end up improving and enjoying more success in the long run. - Allison Truscheit - WOD: Practice 1. 3 Runden: 20 Kalorien Rudern 20 Jumping Lunges 2. 10 Minuten Pistol Practice 3. Auf Zeit: 21-15-9 Deadlifts (60-65%) Strict Pull Ups - 9 Minuten Cap - 4. 3x3 Shoulder Press
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 21:10:31 +0000

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