Why Now? Why Did Obama Start His War Right Before The November - TopicsExpress


Why Now? Why Did Obama Start His War Right Before The November Elections? Think Slime. Put the Pieces of the Puzzle Together. CIA said ISIS posed no threat to the homeland. Then Obama starts the War With Them. AFTER Obamas actions ISIS tells lone wolves to start killing Americans. Has your Gang Stalking Government who has a Stasi made you safer? Dershowitz/Israel First tells Huckabee the Constitution needs to be reinterpreted. Yes, they will use this new war to take away even more of your freedoms. The Neocons over at Fox are spewing emotion/fear/emotion/fear - ISIS is going to come and get you and chop off your heads. Ask questions. Ask questions. Did Obama - the Gang Stalking Lying Slime President - take us to War for political reasons to take away the charge hes a weak leader/not leading/hurting the Democrats FOR THE NOVEMBER ELECTIONS? Is the Government that Gang Stalks innocent people FOR years, capable of starting a War For Political Reasons? We All Need To Help Expose Government Gang Stalking – 9/22/2014 youtu.be/0O9jicaSxb4 1. What a coincidence! Firemen who do Same Time Exit/Entry Gang Stalking just happen to come by as I get out of my car to go into 7/11 to pay for my gas. youtu.be/-SQMcIt7HWo 2. As we cross the street at the beginning of our walk - two RED cars are there first in line at the intersection. youtu.be/zu2-5nbEN4Y I would like to emphasize I never say anyone in my videos is a Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I dont know a persons intentions. All I hope to do is to share with you what I see to prompt an investigation into the Government Gang Stalking I have experienced 24/7 for 8 years. 3. Here we are getting out of our car for our walk today as a boy in RED passes by. youtu.be/CMVeaoH7cYg I would like to emphasize I never say anyone in my videos is a Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I dont know a persons intentions. All I hope to do is to share with you what I see to prompt an investigation into the Government Gang Stalking I have experienced 24/7 for 8 years. 4. When we crossed the street to go into this store on the corner of Mission Ave. and the Coast Highway there were two RED cars there first in line at the intersection as we crossed the street. Here weve just come out of the store as a RED car passes in front of us. Same Time Exit/Entry is a Government Gang Stalking Tactic. youtu.be/BT_pbPhGv1I I would like to emphasize I never say anyone in my videos is a Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I dont know a persons intentions. All I hope to do is to share with you what I see to prompt an investigation into the Government Gang Stalking I have experienced 24/7 for 8 years. 5. After coming out of the store we cross the street to walk up Mission Ave. And who do we see as we arrive on the other side of the street - a man in RED and a RED car. youtu.be/QVqw2spEmp4 I would like to emphasize I never say anyone in my videos is a Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I dont know a persons intentions. All I hope to do is to share with you what I see to prompt an investigation into the Government Gang Stalking I have experienced 24/7 for 8 years. 6. As we start walking up Mission Ave. a man with a RED hat comes out of a restaurant with very, very few patrons. What a coincidence someone with a RED hat just happened to come out of the restaurant as we approached. youtu.be/P3mY3tyxysk I would like to emphasize I never say anyone in my videos is a Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I dont know a persons intentions. All I hope to do is to share with you what I see to prompt an investigation into the Government Gang Stalking I have experienced 24/7 for 8 years. 7. Government Gang Stalking Pattern: Gang Stalkers are there first in line as we reach intersections. youtu.be/wKUlmDSG9KY I would like to emphasize I never say anyone in my videos is a Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I dont know a persons intentions. All I hope to do is to share with you what I see to prompt an investigation into the Government Gang Stalking I have experienced 24/7 for 8 years. 8. Government Gang Stalking Pattern: Setting off car alarms as you pass by cars during your walk. youtu.be/gp3eeFexGTo I would like to emphasize I never say anyone in my videos is a Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I dont know a persons intentions. All I hope to do is to share with you what I see to prompt an investigation into the Government Gang Stalking I have experienced 24/7 for 8 years. 9. Government Gang Stalking Pattern: You walk on a street that is almost empty except for a person in RED. youtu.be/JxLQ5NJTHek I would like to emphasize I never say anyone in my videos is a Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I dont know a persons intentions. All I hope to do is to share with you what I see to prompt an investigation into the Government Gang Stalking I have experienced 24/7 for 8 years. 10. Surprise! No RED car passing by as I get into my car to go home. Just a RED car parked in back of me. youtu.be/4EHh77C0HAk I would like to emphasize I never say anyone in my videos is a Gang Stalker. I am not a mind reader. I dont know a persons intentions. All I hope to do is to share with you what I see to prompt an investigation into the Government Gang Stalking I have experienced 24/7 for 8 years. Can you imagine what the Supreme Court would say if it knew the United States Government is getting Police, Firemen, Security Guards and Vigilantes using RED cars, RED trucks, wearing or carrying RED to Gang Stalk average, ordinary citizens 24/7 for years? What would the Supreme Court say if it knew the United States gets surrounding neighbors to Gang Stalk the targeted citizen when they leave or enter their homes, to use NOISE to harass, to use BEEPING to harass FOR YEARS in an effort to socially isolate average, ordinary citizens? It’s up to all of us to help expose Government Gang Stalking. You can’t put anything past our Sick, Corrupt Government. I even wonder if Obama started this new War to take away the Republican issue that he is weak for the upcoming November elections. Why - I asked myself would he start a war when the CIA was saying ISIS does not pose a threat to the homeland (don’t you hate that Nazi word?)? Well the CIA should revise their projection because AFTER OUR STARTING THE WAR, ISIS has now called for lone wolfs to kill American citizens. Is this how our government keeps us safe? I also wonder where are all those people who rail against spending on Social Security and Medicare and health care. We already borrow 40 cents of every dollar we spend from China. How much will a new War add to the deficit which our military has said is a national security concern. Our Wars are what started our loss of civil liberties. Who thinks the situation will get better for civil liberties in America with a new War. I heard Alan Dershowitz, a Neoconservative, say on Huckabee – it’s time to interpret the Constitution in new ways to give the government more power (is he kidding more power!!!!) to fight the War on Terror. The Neoconservatives are poising themselves to use this new war as an excuse to take away even more of our liberties Tactics For Fighting Back from fightgangstalking My Website: stopgangstalkingpolice My You Tube Channel: youtube/user/bonnieleec
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 20:34:32 +0000

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